(V)LF to HF upconverter - Hackaday.io
This project is a simple SA602 (like NE602) based RF upconverter, that mixes the VLF and LF bands (0 to 500kHz) with a 10 MHz local oscillator, making it possible to receive 0-500kHz with a standard HF communications receiver or transceiver.
NE602 from Signetics. The NE602 device is a monolithic integrated circuit containing a dou ble-balanced mixer (DBM) and on in ternal oscillator circuit. The DBM hos balanced inputs (pins 1 and 2). bal anced outputs (pins 4 and 5). and con operate at up to 500 MHz. The internal oscillator circuit provides· an emitter
NE602/SA612 Mixer - Vintage Radio
2012年7月5日 · I've now got several of the 602s including a couple of smd versions of them. The current project is a vlf converter using a 20 MHz crystal that's been in my junk box for years, I'll try a 100nF for the decoupler. Location: Hexham, Northumberland, UK.
In (a), + 4.5-8.0 volts DC is the normal operating range of the NE602. In (b), R1 drops voltage, and is used since a + 9- volt battery can go higher, and a +9-volt wall supply can produce up to 11 volts. In (c), an +8-18-volt DC supply is regulated using 8.2-volt Zener Dl.
Receiving SAQ and other VLF stations – Ernest Neijenhuis
2015年12月24日 · In the second part the signal is mixed (NE602) with the signal of a 10 MHz crystal oscillator. The product is then filtered and matched to the low input impedance of the receiver. The three parts are separated by placing shields in-between.
A Philips EE VLF receiver (16 - 80 kHz) with digital control
Direct Conversion design using the well-known NE602/SA612A mixer chip, Five Longwave coils on a series-arranged set of ferrite rods provide 71mH of inductance, allowing a reception range of 16kHz - 80 kHz covering all main VLF stations, like Grimeton/SAQ but also DCF77 at Mainflingen,
Convertitori LF-VLF / OC - Isoonda OM Radio
Nella presente trattazione vi propongo tre possibili tipi di convertitori: uno con l'integrato S042P, l'altro con l'integrato NE602 e il terzo con componenti discreti. L'integrato S042P è un miscelatore amplificatore capace di funzionare fino alla frequenza di 200 MHz.
convert2.htm - Far Circuits
Description: This is a converter to convert the VLF/LF bands up to 2 to 14 Mhz. The project has three boards, power supply, (from the AMRAD active antenna project in QST Sep01), a filter board, and the converter board.
VLF-konverter - robkalmeijer.nl
De VLF-konverter is opgebouwd rond een NE602, een aktieve dubbel gebalanceerde mixer/oscillator, waarvan het blokschema in figuur 1 te zien is. Bij deze chip zijn maar een paar extra komponenten nodig om een goede up-converter te maken. Figuur 1. De NE602, een geïntegreerde aktieve dubbel gebalanceerde mixer/oscillator.
Active Loop Converter for LF - qsl.net
The mixer stage employs the now universally used NE602 package (N2), the output of which is fed to the input of a HF receiver. One way to operate this stage is to operate its local oscillator in a tuneable mode with the output as a fixed 1st Intermediate frequency (IF) fed to the receiver.