Mixer comparison: “NE612” vs. “AN612” - DK7IH
2020年2月23日 · The well-known mixer NE612 (NXP) will be compared to an AN612 (Matsushita/Panasonic) mixer that has been unsoldered from an old CB-SSB-radio. Comparison will include output voltage level and spectroscopic analysis of a 9MHz SSB signal.
用NE612制作的DSB/AM电路 - 〓晶体管与集成〓 - 矿石收音机论 …
2021年12月7日 · 这是一个用NE612制作的DSB和AM的电路作用距离在8—10米。 DSB是有上边带下边带无载波,用LSB,USB解调接收机。 AM全边带有载波,用调幅收音机接收。 如果用于中波接收你可以制作一个中波范围内的振荡器,把振荡信号加入NE612的6脚就可以了。 (机器工作电压5V输出发射管电流调到5mA) 。 Powered by Discuz! X3.4. © 2001-2023 Discuz! Team.
NE612 receiver experiment - waveguide.se
2014年1月27日 · The main part of a direct conversion receiver is a single mixer stage. A local oscillator is mixed with the frequency one wants to receive and the product of this mix is the sum of the two sidebands around this frequency. Hence a direct conversion receiver can be used to receive CW, LSB, USB, DSB and AM signals with very simple means.
实验AN612 DSB信号发生器 - 〓晶体管与集成〓 - 矿石收音机论坛 …
2021年11月1日 · 看了规格书,AN612属DSB专用元件,指标优于SN16193的截波抑制25dB,NE602 (SA602/612)虽然多了个振荡器,但仍属通用元件,在DSB (含SSB)载波抑制上,不能与AN612的截波抑制>40dB同日而语。 MC1496可以做4象限乘法器,甚至是可以数学运算的直流4象限乘法器。 看了规格书,AN612属DSB专用元件,指标优于SN16193的截波抑制25dB,NE602 (SA602/612)虽然多了个振荡器,但 ... 这仅仅是晶体管在工艺上的对称性优劣的 …
NE602 NE612 double balanced mixer - amplitude modulation (AM …
2017年4月18日 · Details about the NE602 and NE612 mention ability to generate AM, but I was assuming these ICs are meant to produce double sideband (DSB-SC, no carrier) by default. And I assumed that it would be necessary to somehow follow some procedure to offset the message with a DC voltage in order to then generate AM.
DSB-Modulator as simple AM test transmitter - OE3HBW
While searching for such a simple transmitter I came across the ancient mixer IC NE602 (SA602 or NE612/SA612) in one of my many tinkering boxes. It contains a Gilbert Cell Multiplier and an oscillator. With this and some transistors it should be possible to build a useful modulator.
An experimental HF 6-band SSB transceiver - DK7IH
2020年1月22日 · Here a dual-gate MOSFET with gain control to gate 2 sets up the initial stage of the whole amplifier strip. The stage’s gain is set by a simple bipolar driver transistor controlled by a digital-analog-converter (DAC). A numeric value for each individual band is stored with in the EEPROM of the MUC.
Constructing a high performance transceiver for voice ... - DK7IH
2019年8月30日 · This article describes the construction of a high performance transmitter/receiver for SSB (voice) communication covering the 14MHz (20 meters) high frequency amateur radio band.
哈罗CQ火腿社区 - QRP and DIY - 实验AN612 DSB信号发生器
2021年11月1日 · 利用AN612做了个DSB信号发生器,测试了下还不错。 测试视频:https://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XNTgxNjgwNjcyMA==
Selbstbau-TRX, BFO, Produktdetektor und DSB-Modulator - DL6GL
2011年12月30日 · Der BFO ist ein quarzgesteuerter Colpitts-Oszillator. Im RX-Zweig wird ein NE612 als Produktdetektor, im TX-Zweig ein MC1496 als DSB-Modulator eingesetzt.
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