National Evaluation Series - Pearson VUE
Take your National Evaluation Series exam conveniently from home through OnVUE online proctoring. A live proctor will monitor you through the webcam on your workstation to provide a secure exam experience. Watch the short video on the National Evaluation Series online proctoring page to see how convenient it is to test from home or work.
Educator Certification: Testing Information | Arizona …
This site allows you to register to take an exam, provides exam information, and exam study guides as well as more information such as your testing history and results. AEPA/NES Website. View Video for ALT Arrangements with ESL Accommodations. View Video for ALT Arrangements without ESL Accommodations.
About the Tests
The NES teacher certification tests are comprehensive exams aligned to professionally accepted national learning standards, covering areas such as essential academic skills, reading instruction, and commonly taught elementary, middle, and secondary grade-level subjects.
Arizona educator certification tests | College of Education
Be prepared to launch your teaching career in Arizona by obtaining the proper certifications based on your degree. Northern Arizona University provides this helpful information so our students are able to start working as soon as possible following graduation. What is the AEPA/NES exam? How are the exams administered?
Certification Requirements - Arizona Department of Education
The information below details the necessary requirements for each type of educator certification. Find more information on Testing (AEPA & NES) and Educator Preparation Programs in Arizona. Failure to submit your documents as required can lead to a delay in processing your application. Please check this page regularly, as requirements may change.
Arizona teacher licensure exams | College of Education
The Arizona Educator Proficiency Assessment (AEPA) is a series of tests that determine an individual’s competency for employment in the Arizona public school system. Passing scores on the National Evaluation Series (NES) tests are used to attain certifications or endorsements from the Arizona Department of Education (ADE).
Passing Requirements
For the NES tests, the passing score is represented by a scaled score of 220. The scaled score that represents the passing score (either 220 or 240, as described above) is not indicative of the difficulty level of any specific test.
The Arizona Educator Proficiency Assessments assess Arizona educator’s professional knowledge and subject knowledge proficiency. Please review the requirement information at http://www.azed.gov/educator-certification/ before registering for exams.
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General Science
Computer-Based Testing By appointment, year round. Test appointments are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Check seat availability. Online Proctoring By appointment with an online proctor during one-week testing windows each month. Computer-Based Testing CBT sites are located in Arizona and nationwide. Locate a test center.