[4.5.9] Tutorial Guide and Notes - NESMakers
2021年3月18日 · The OP is too big, so the rest of my notes will go here. Still have Arcade Platformer (all) and Mega-Metro-Vania (Beginner) to go: Scrolling Platformer - Beginner Checkpoints for the afterlife Only Screen Info from the warp-in screen of a scrolling hallway is loaded. Subsequent screens only load Screen Flags Boss battle using screen flags Scrolling Platforer - Intermediate Remember to ignore ...
NESmaker - Quick start (dale_coop's tutorial in English)
2018年11月22日 · The current version of NESMaker comes with the "Adventure Module" which allows to create an adventure game with top-down perspective in the style of games like Zelda 1 on NES (it also comes with a more basic module also top-down, but with fewer features).
Official NESmaker Tutorials | NESMakers
2020年6月4日 · Is there a location I can download the 12 days of NESmas? Like the other tutorials?
NESmaker - Démarrage rapide (tuto en français) | NESMakers
2018年8月17日 · Les tilesets pour la NES sont representés par 4 couleurs indexées (représentées par noir, rouge, vert, bleu, que j'appellera "RGB" durant tout ce tutorial), chaque personnage, monstre, arbre, pierre, sol, … doit être enregistré avec ces 4 couleurs dans les fichiers tileset BMP, sinon cela ne fonctionnera pas.
Saving / Exporting - NESMakers
2018年9月29日 · HELP: How do you save or export from NES maker to create the .nes file? Since I can not open the MST file in the emulator.
2021年12月18日 · Hey Everyone. Looking to make a Brawler, but have questions before purchase.
Adding more HUD elements | NESMakers
2025年2月24日 · I don't really need "more" HUD elements, but I do want better control over a Var Tiles element (I want the max value to be a variable, not a constant). So what I thought I would do is create another swath of 8 elements in the same manner as the first 8. First, I increased huUpdates size to 2...
NESMaker - Démarrage Rapide MODULE PLATEFORME (Tutoriel …
2018年8月31日 · Les tilesets pour la NES sont representés par 4 couleurs indexées (représentées par noir, rouge, vert, bleu, que j'appellera "RGB" durant tout ce tutorial), chaque personnage, monstre, brique, bloc, sol, … doit être enregistré avec ces 4 couleurs dans les fichiers tileset BMP, sinon cela ne fonctionnera pas.
NESMaker Games List | NESMakers
2021年7月27日 · You can add Plummet Challenge Game to this list! Released 9/23/2021. 50 cart release. Developer: Fista Productions itch.io site:
EXPERIMENTAL *** Moving Platforms in the metroVania module
2023年4月19日 · If you've seen the "Monster Bits" panel in the monster setup window you've probably wondered what to do with them or how to use them. They can work as another set of monster flags, but they're not included in your game by default. NES Maker exports them when you compile but you have to bring...