What is NFC? | Sony USA
2022年2月7日 · Near Field Communication (NFC™) is a standards-based connectivity technology that makes it more convenient to make transactions, exchange digital content, and connect devices. It's a technology enabling short-range wireless communication between various devices, which helps prevent unauthorized communication.
How to send images to a mobile device using NFC One ... - Sony …
You can connect your camera to a NFC™ enabled mobile device (smartphone or tablet) and transfer images and movies from the camera directly with just one touch. The NFC function on the mobile device should be enabled. Sleep and lock-screen …
索尼手机的NFC怎么使用? - 知乎
基本上没啥卵用,索尼手机的NFC就是给你连蓝牙的,现在买Xperia的人基本上都是习惯上非常传统的人(我们的使用习惯基本上停留在2011年)。 所以一般人就别考虑索尼手机了,对于你们有后续习惯的人而言,Xperia的体验实在是过于糟糕。
索尼相机的NFC功能如何使用? - 哔哩哔哩
手机NFC功能别乱用,iphone开放nfc功能,终于能刷门禁了,索尼相机的测光模式介绍和使用,那我问问你,索尼,这是什么接口?,【卡波姆】华为WATCH GT5系列,四大NFC功能隐藏玩法大揭秘!
如何使用 NFC 一觸分享傳送影像至行動裝置。 | Sony TW
行動裝置上的 NFC 功能應啟用。 行動裝置的睡眠及螢幕鎖定功能應停用。 您的行動裝置上應安裝最新版本 Imaging Edge Mobile (PlayMemories Mobile 的下一代應用程式) 應用程式。 如為影片,您只能傳輸將 檔案格式設為 MP4 錄製的 MP4 影片。 (N-Mark) 應顯示在相機畫面上。
WH-1000XM4 | 帮助指南 | 通过一触(NFC)功能切换设备 - Sony
通过“ Sony | Headphones Connect ”应用程序连接; Android智能手机. 配对和连接 Android 智能手机; 连接已配对的 Android 智能手机; 与 Android 智能手机的一触连接( NFC ) 通过一触( NFC )功能断开 Android 智能手机连接; 通过一触( NFC )功能切换设备; iPhone(iOS设备) 配对 ...
Sony Corporation - FeliCa - About NFC - Definition of NFC
NFC stands for Near Field Communication – a wireless communication technology operating at 13.56 MHz over a short distance of approximately 10 centimeters. This technology enables communication between electronic devices brought within close range of each other, as well as between such devices and conventional contactless IC cards.
NFC如何使用? | Sony China
NFC让您可以轻松地即时连接两个设备,并与您的朋友分享照片、音乐文件、联系信息等。 NFC让您可以扫描标签,例如商店打折的海报。 在一些地区,还可以使用NFC作为一种支付方式。 注意: NFC 并非在所有国家或地区都可以使用。 使用NFC: 只需轻轻一触,就可以把您的音乐分享给无线扬声器。 使用 NFC和扫描NFC标签, NFC标签是一种小型的可以嵌入海报、广告牌广告或零售店商品等的编程信息区域。 触碰标签可以给您更多的信息,比如地图、网址和电影预告片。 …
Sony Xperia XZ - NFC - xPhoneHelp
NFC Use Near Field Communication (NFC) to share data with other devices, such as videos, photos, web page addresses, music files, or contacts. You can also use NFC to scan tags that give you more information about a product or service as well as tags that activate certain functions on your device.NFC is a wireless
WH-1000XM3 | Help Guide | One-touch connection (NFC) with an ... - Sony
NFC (Near Field Communication) is a technology enabling short-range wireless communication between various devices, such as smartphones and IC tags. Thanks to the NFC function, data communication — for example, Bluetooth pairing — can be achieved easily by simply touching NFC -compatible devices together (i.e., at the N -Mark symbol or ...