Customization guide · Node Feature Discovery - Kubernetes
The nfd.node.kubernetes.io/node-name=<node-name> must be in place for each NodeFeature object as NFD uses it to determine the node which it is targeting. Feature types. Features …
NFD-Master · Node Feature Discovery - GitHub Pages
NFD-Master is responsible for connecting to the Kubernetes API server and updating node objects. More specifically, it modifies node labels, taints and extended resources based on …
Developer guide · Node Feature Discovery - Kubernetes
NFD-Master. For development and debugging it is possible to run nfd-master as a stand-alone binary outside the cluster. The -no-publish flag can be used to prevent nfd-master making …
Introduction · Node Feature Discovery - Kubernetes
It detects hardware features available on each node in a Kubernetes cluster, and advertises those features using node labels and optionally node extended resources, annotations and node …
NFD开发指南 - GitHub Pages
NFD开发指南2018 是NDN项目组开发的NFD开源项目面向科研开发者的开发指南,本文基于2018年的截止当前最新的版本进行翻译,如有错误可 pull request,大家共同维护。
NFD-NDN路由器 - GitHub Pages
2016年3月18日 · nfd-autoreg. 自动注册服务器是一个当新的接口(Face)被创建时,自动注册特定前缀的守护程序。其可以设定那些前缀可以被自动注册,可以设定RIB表项中的代 …
node-feature-discovery - Go Packages
2019年11月22日 · It detects hardware features available on each node in a Kubernetes cluster, and advertises those features using node labels. NFD consists of two software components: …
NFD-Worker · Node Feature Discovery - GitHub Pages
NFD-Worker supports configuration through a configuration file. The default location is /etc/kubernetes/node-feature-discovery/nfd-worker.conf, but, this can be changed by …
2022年11月21日 · 南方电机名牌上面nfd字母代表什么 答:亲亲,代表电机的转速意思。 转速是做圆周运动的物体单位时间内沿圆周绕圆心转过的圈数(与频率不同)。
NFD官方安装文档(Getting Started with NFD) - CSDN博客
2017年7月3日 · 从二进制文件安装NFD(Installing NFD from Binaries)我们提供NFD二进制包安装支持, 这是首选的安装方法.除了简化安装之外,二进制版本还包括自动初始化配置与特定与平台的 …
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