環境放射線監視結果を更新しました(2025年3月) 福島第一の燃料デブリの受け入れと当社における分析内容について(2025年 ...
NFD provides material test, evaluation and analysis technologies related to radioactive materials, including nuclear fuels and plant structural and component materials. Research and evaluation of spent nuclear fuels Development and evaluation of improved fuels and materials Evaluation of radiation effects on metallic
Nuclear Industrial Directory of Japan / Nuclear Supply Chain …
Nippon Nuclear Fuel Development Co., Ltd. (NFD) was established in 1972 as a joint company between Hitachi, Ltd. and Toshiba Corporation for the purpose of researching and developing nuclear fuels. In change with the times, we are now also conducting research on reactor structural materials for the purpose of plant extended lifetime operation.
日本核燃料開発株式会社 | 会社概要 - nfd.jp
核燃料の研究、開発. 2. 使用済核燃料の検査、試験技術の開発. 3. 原子炉等で照射された材料の特性研究. 4. 放射性核種の分析. 5. 放射性物質輸送容器による輸送に関する事業. Copyright (C) NFD Co., Ltd. 2025. All Rights Reserved.
PIE activities in NFD hot laboratory (Conference) | ETDEWEB
1999年9月1日 · Nippon Nuclear Fuel Development Co., Ltd. (NFD) has been operating hot laboratory facility since 1977 for post-irradiation examinations (PIE) of boiling water reactor (BWR) fuels and structural materials. Various examination techniques have been developed to meet the research requirements.
Ultra Energy recently completed the design and manufacture of a safety critical NFD that is suitable for use in the hostile environments that will be found in next generation reactors. The functional characteristics of this NFD are based on the …
(Nutsche) Filter-Dryers — Apical
The A1-NFD Blizzard Jacketed Nutsche Filter Dryer series has a wide range of jacketed reactor configurations with our unique design features and efficiency-minded details differentiating our systems in a crowded marketplace. Our alloy systems range from 50L to 40,000L.
Nippon Nuclear Fuel Development Co., Ltd. (NFD), a subsidiary of Hitachi and Toshiba, has been operating hot laboratory facility since 1977 for extensive post-irradiation examinations (PIE) of boiling water reactor (BWR) fuels and
N-Reactor - Wikipedia
The N-Reactor was a water/graphite- moderated nuclear reactor constructed during the Cold War and operated by the U.S. government at the Hanford Site in Washington; it began production in 1963.
日本核燃料開発株式会社 | 研究成果 - nfd.jp
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, The European Working Group on Reactor Dosimetry and ASTM Fast neutron fluence estimation by measurement of 93m Nb and 93 Mo (*)M. Ichikawa, et al.