Who would I contact to get a copy of my NGB form 23?
2018年3月20日 · NGB Form 23 Retirement Points Summary Statement - Citizen Soldier Resource Center. Most Army National Guard Soldiers receive an updated NGB Form 23 each …
How do I transfer from NGB to Army Reserves? | RallyPoint
2015年10月21日 · Once everything is completed you will have a completed DD 368 with signatures, NGB 0123E, Separation Orders and NGB 22. If you are transferring straight into …
How do i update awards for arb? - RallyPoint
2021年7月14日 · NGB Form 23A Retirement Points Annual Statement (if the Soldier transferred from the National Guard to Reserves) DA Form 5016 Chronological Statement of Retirement …
How can someone transfer from the National Guard to the
2017年2月17日 · Yes you can. The easiest way is to request to go into the IRR. Then contact a local USAR Career Counselor to sign you too a unit.
How do we find out what Scroll we are on? | RallyPoint
2022年3月18日 · Not sure when your packet was sent up but mine went up in January of 2022 to NGB and my fedrec status just populated on the G1 portal as "Scroll created with packets and …
How do I determine if my BASD, PEBD & BESD are correct
2021年3月3日 · Hello, I need to know if my BASD, PEBD & BESD right? Does my active duty time not count? Thanks I joined Army Active Duty 27 Jan 2010 to 19 Sept 2014. The IRR …
Is the G1 Portal "FEDREC Status" still an accurate measure of …
2024年11月16日 · -G1 Portal is reportedly "accurate" but sometimes requires a push from your organic G1 to NGB to get the updates processed. Further; there is a reported significant issue …
What is the NG FEDREC status for scroll P27-23? | RallyPoint
2023年7月11日 · Does anyone know the NG fedrec status for scroll P27-23? It's been stuck at 'At NGB...0 Days in DoD Approval Cycle" for about three months now according to ARNG-G1 Self …
What repercussions could I face if my counselor has ties to the …
2019年5月16日 · Long story short I did an IST and the counselor who helped me reached out to see how it was going and I told him I was trying to go active duty and my unit didn't want to …
How can I get my NGB 22 quickly after ETS? | RallyPoint
2020年4月10日 · Posted in these groups: Prior Service NGB Discharge. Posted 5 y ago Follow this discussion Respond.