NGC 63 - Wikipedia
NGC 63 is a spiral galaxy in the constellation Pisces. NGC 63 is its New General Catalogue designation. It has an apparent V-band magnitude of 12.70. [5]
Category:NGC 63 - Wikimedia Commons
English: NGC 63 is a spiral galaxy in the constellation Pisces. It is located at RA 00 h 17 m 45.6 s, dec +11° 27′ 01″ ( J2000 ), and has an apparent magnitude of 12.6.
List of NGC objects (2001–3000) - Wikipedia
This is a list of NGC objects 2001–3000 from the New General Catalogue (NGC). The astronomical catalogue is composed mainly of star clusters, nebulae, and galaxies. Other objects in the catalogue can be found in the other subpages of the list of NGC objects.
NGC 63 - Wikidata
NGC 63 (Q745040) spiral galaxy in the constellation Pisces New General Catalogue 63 UGC 167 PGC 1160 edit
Photometory of NGC0063-S001-R001-C001-B-233018.fts.corr
2012年10月22日 · Ascii files of catalog matched/un-matched sources USNO B1 catalog matched source list Unmatched source list
NGC 63 - 위키백과, 우리 모두의 백과사전
NGC 63 은 물고기자리 방향에 있는 나선 은하 이다. ↑ 가 나 다 라 마 바 사 “NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database”. 《Results for NGC 0063》. 2010년 11월 28일에 확인함.
We propose to model the whole sequence of bulges within the following framework: bulges are composed of a primary population formed prior to the disk, during the initial collapse, and of a secondary population formed during its evolution.
SIMPLE = T / Written by IDL: Tue Jun 28 09:43:35 2011 BITPIX = 16 / 16-bit unsigned binary integer NAXIS = 2 /number of axes NAXIS1 = 825 / NAXIS2 = 1051 / EXTEND = T /file may contain extensions ORIGIN = 'NOAO-IRAF FITS Image Kernel July 2003' / FITS file originator BZERO = 32768 /Data is Unsigned Integer DATE = '2010-10-12T19:04:35' / Date FITS file was generated IRAF-TLM= '2010-10-12T19:05: ...
【求助】 [ps] Chrono Cross(穿越时空/时空之轮2)美版EC码
2005年5月14日 · 【求助】 [ps] Chrono Cross(穿越时空/时空之轮2)美版EC码 万分感谢
NGC 63 - Wikipedia
NGC 63 è una galassia a spirale, o forse intermedia, situata nella costellazione dei Pesci. NGC 63 è stata scoperta il 27 agosto 1865 dall'astronomo tedesco Heinrich Louis d'Arrest. [7] La galassia presenta una larga riga a 21 cm dell'idrogeno neutro. [3]