NGC 1023 - Deep Sky Observing - Cloudy Nights
2017年9月17日 · NGC 1023 - posted in Deep Sky Observing: NGC 1023, barred lenticular galaxy in Perseus never seems to disappoint from dark skies. Even with patchy clouds, I found a good size clear section in the NE sky and was treated to one of my best views of 1023.From my notes:NGC 1023, Fairly bright, very elongated/edge-on, bright central core having a couple of tiny spots, also a few faint, delicate ...
NGC 1023 - Photo Gallery - Cloudy Nights
2023年11月2日 · NGC 1023 is a barred lenticular galaxy, a member of the NGC 1023 group of galaxies in the Local Supercluster. Distance measurements vary from 9.3 to 19.7 million parsecs (30 to 64 million light-years). The supermassive black hole at the core has a mass of (4.4±0.5)×107 M☉. The black hole was discovered by analyzing the dynamics of the galaxy.
NGC 1023 and 1023A - Sketching - Cloudy Nights
2020年1月1日 · NGC 1023 and 1023A - posted in Sketching: Happy new year to all of you! Heres my final sketch of 2019, the cigar shaped NGC 1023 or Perseus Lenticular Galaxy. This one is very bright, especially the core. With effort, a small patch of nebulosity can be seen on one extension, this is NGC 1023A (Arp 135; nearby fragments) and can (hopefully) be seen down in the sketch. No dustlane was found ...
Barred Spiral in Perseus - Deep Sky Observing - Cloudy Nights
2012年11月22日 · The three galaxies of the NGC 1023 group in Pegasus have distances between 28 and 38 Mly. NGC 1003 and 1023 are highly inclined. The former is SA(s)cd 6x2’, the latter SB(rs)0- 9x3’. In the DSS photo of NGC 1023 the intriguing features are a hint of equatorial dust dividing the core and a hook-like extension off the S side of the W end.
NGC 1023 - Sketching - Cloudy Nights
NGC 1023 - posted in Sketching: This was a surprise and a treat at the same time! I was just messing around with my COL, and decided to press the Galaxy button. As I was observing in the region near Perseus anyway, I thought Id see what may be in the area in regards to galaxies.If I remember correctly, there were a few that I could not find, but NGC 1023 was an exception! Maybe it was the fact ...
NGC 1023 in Perseus - Sketching - Cloudy Nights
2016年11月23日 · NGC 1023 in Perseus - posted in Sketching: This is by now the nicest galaxy Ive seen in Perseus (I have not seen so many, apart from Abell 426...), is NGC 1023, a lenticular galaxy situated at 34 MLY distance, the main component of NGC 1023 group, in which we can find NGC 891 and NGC 925. NGC 1023 has lots of irregular and elliptical dwarfs surrounding it, the biggest one being NGC 1023A, that ...
NGC 1023 - Sketching - Cloudy Nights
2010年10月22日 · NGC 1023 - posted in Sketching: Here is my sketch of NGC 1023. It was a fair night I sketched it, and I was also very surprised at how bright it was!
Ngc 1023 Sketch - Sketching - Cloudy Nights
2008年11月10日 · Ngc 1023 Sketch - posted in Sketching: Hi all.Just a little sketch of Ngc 1023. Also known as Arp 135 Date: 29/10 2008Time: 19.20 UTPlace: Hem DenmarkSeeing: 5/7 (Pickering 7)Transp: 5/7Bortle: Class 5Nelm: 5.7Objeckt: Ngc 1023 (Arp 1023)Constellation: PerseusVmag: 9.5Hope you like.Andreas
NGC 1023 - Sketching - Cloudy Nights
2022年8月12日 · NGC 1023 - posted in Sketching: NGC 1023 SBO galaxy in Perseus 10 Coulter, 9mm Expanse at 128x Bortle 1 site; clear, windy 1:16am CDT on 27 Sept. 2016 North @ 3 OClock in sketch.
ngc 1023 - Sketching - Cloudy Nights
2020年11月26日 · ngc 1023 - posted in Sketching: When I view NGC 1023 from my backyard(bortle 4.9) and the sky is really transparent I can pick up 1023a as well.