NGC1344 - u-strasbg.fr
2025年1月29日 · ngc 1340 eso-lv 418-0050 ngc 1344 f2 am 0326-311 leda 12923 sgc 032617-3114.4 galaxy 95 6dfgs gj032819.6-310405 2masx j03281966-3104054 hdc 234 j032819.66 …
NGC 1340 — Wikipédia
NGC 1340 (=NGC 1344 dans l'article de Garcia) fait partie du groupe de NGC 1399.Ce groupe fait partie de l'amas du Fourneau [5] et il comprend au moins 42 galaxies, dont NGC 1326, …
NGC1344 - In-The-Sky.org
Click and drag the chart above to pan around the sky, or use the mouse wheel to zoom. Click to enlarge.
NGC 1344 - spider.seds.org
NGC 1344 Galaxy in Fornax Dreyer's description: cB, pL, iR, vgbM . Cross Identifications: GC 714, h 2542, H 1.257. Right Ascension: 3 : 28.3 (hours : minutes) ... Please type in the NGC …
New General Catalog Objects: NGC 1300 - 1349 - cseligman.com
2024年6月15日 · The second Index Catalog changes that opinion, noting (per Swift) "To be struck out". The position precesses to RA 03 28 20.9, Dec -30 54 00, far enough from the correct …
NGC 1340 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
ngc 1340 ngc天體; 發現者: 約翰·弗里德里希·威廉·赫歇爾: 發現日期: 1835年11月19日: 其他編號: ngc 1344,eso 418-5,mcg -5-9-5: 座標
NGC 1344 - Galaxy - SKY-MAP
A few reddishobjects of the {Pec} sample (NGC 3923 family) and of the {Nop} sampleare also modeled, in terms of an excess of high metallicity stars, ordiffuse dust, or both, but the results …
NGC 1344 | duplicate in Fornax | New General Catalogue
NGC 1344. NGC 1344 is a duplicate located in the constellation of Fornax. The NGC is a catalog of 7,840 nebulae, star clusters, and galaxies. Here are the key stats on NGC 1344: NGC: NGC …
NGC Grades Most Valuable English Coin
2016年6月30日 · 1344 Edward III “Double Leopard” NGC MS 62 Click images to enlarge. The gold leopard coinage was extremely short-lived. Struck between January and July of 1344, …
Revised NGC Data for NGC 1344 - Students for the Exploration …
Revised NGC Data for NGC 1344 Data from Wolfgang Steinicke's Revised NGC and IC Catalog. Object: NGC 1344 (*) Galaxy, type E5, in Fornax Right Ascension (2000.0): 03:28:19.5 (h:m:s) …
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