ngc 1501 Oyster Nebula - c14 Edge HD - Photo Gallery - Cloudy …
2023年2月17日 · NGC 1501 Oyster Nebula. Located in the constellation Camelopardalis, this planetary nebula has a progenitor star which pulsates reguarly changing brightness every 30 minutes. Because it is so small, I have presented it in 2 images, the first a 2x zoom, and crop, and the second the original capture scale, showing it's size relative to a larger ...
PN NGC1501 in Camelopardalis - Deep Sky Observing - Cloudy …
2015年2月14日 · NGC 1501 6" f/8 refractor Antennas Seeing=6/10, Transparency=7/10 14mm pretty faint, pretty small and very little elongated. In general this is a smooth disk and the north edge is very little brighter at the rim. 6.7mm and averted vision show no more detail. Clear skies to us all; Steve Coe
NGC 1501, the Oyster Nebula - Cloudy Nights
2022年11月1日 · NGC 1501, the Oyster Nebula - posted in Experienced Deep Sky Imaging: Been clouds here for months but last weekend there suddenly was an unpredicted couple of hours of clear skies One of the objects captured was NGC 1501, the Oyster Nebula. A planetary nebula in Camelopardalis and sits at around 4240 lightyears. Its kind of small with a apparent size of Jupiter and a apparent magnitude of 13 ...
NGC 1501 - Sketching - Cloudy Nights
2015年11月14日 · Here is an observation and sketch at 440X on an excellent night of NGC 1501: NGC 1501 13.1" f/5.6 Sentinel Seeing+Transparency=8/10 --150X, immediately obvious, pretty bright, pretty large, round, a gray disk. The central star comes and goes with the seeing. 220X--nice view, central star held steady, nebula is quite mottled.
NGC 1501 with Playerone Neptune colorII (imx464) - Cloudy Nights
2022年4月26日 · NGC 1501 with Playerone Neptune colorII (imx464) - posted in Experienced Deep Sky Imaging: Hi, NGC 1501, or the Oyster Nebula is a planetary nebula found in the constellation Giraffe. It is medium small (89) and bright enough to be captured with short exposures but without tightening the sampling too much. This NP has the particularity of hosting a Wolf-Rayet star (more precisely [WC4/OVI ...
Taking Another Look At The Oyster: NGC 1501 - Cloudy Nights
2024年9月25日 · Taking Another Look At The Oyster: NGC 1501 - posted in Deep Sky Observing: The large planetary nebula NGC 1501, commonly referred to as the Oyster or, alternately, as The Camels Eye, is in the constellation of (wait for it) Camelopardalis. At mag 11.5 and nearly 1 minute across, its bright and sizeable, particularly in the field of my 10mm ethos in my 16 dob. Ive viewed it many times but Ive ...
NGC 1501 Oyster Nebula - Experienced Deep Sky Imaging
2018年1月2日 · NGC 1501 Oyster Nebula - posted in Experienced Deep Sky Imaging: This is a planetary nebula in Camelopardalis. It is only 52 of size but it is bright enough. January/October 2017 Location: San Romualdo - Ravenna (Italy) LX200 12GPS with Starizona reducer/coma corrector F/7.1 CCD QSI 540wsi cooled -20 Astrodon Gen2 True-Balance I-series RGB Filters and Narrowband Baader H-alpha 7nm and OIII 8 ...
NGC1501 then and now - Experienced Deep Sky Imaging - Cloudy …
2008年12月13日 · NGC1501 then and now - posted in Experienced Deep Sky Imaging: These are images of planetary nebula NGC 1501 in Camelopardalis. The one on the left was taken 9/29/1997 with the 18 described below. Kodak Royal Gold 400, ver. 2 print film. 18 minute exposure. This was one of my sharpest film images due to excellent seeing. If this crop was a regular 3.5 x 5 print, the rest of the negative would ...
NGC 1501 (planetary nebula) - Sketching - Cloudy Nights
2015年11月13日 · NGC 1501 (planetary nebula) - posted in Sketching: Hello fellow sketchers, Id like to share one of my observations from yesterday: NGC 1501 planetary nebula in Camelopardalis the Giraffe. I was very surprised when I looked into the 21mm (71x) eyepiece I use for searching objects, because I expected a tiny fuzzy stellar sight: instead a small, round, well-defined spot greeted me. Increased my ...
NGC 1501 - Deep Sky Observing - Cloudy Nights
2009年10月24日 · NGC 1501 - posted in Deep Sky Observing: Someone gives this object a mag. of 13.3 looks a bit brighter than that in my 11 on my CGE mount.I have semi fair dark sky. with a couple of street lights near me. I was surprised at the detail of this object ..It stands out as soon as the scope gets to it ..I didnt try high mag on it was using a 24 MM Konig from University Optics one of my all time fav ...