NGC 1566 - Wikipedia
NGC 1566 is an active galaxy with many features of a Seyfert type 1, although the exact type remains uncertain. It is one of the closest and brightest Seyfert galaxies. The mass of the supermassive black hole at the center is estimated at (1.3 ± 0.6) × 107 M☉.
NGC 1566 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
NGC 1566 是 剑鱼座 的一個 中間螺旋星系。 由 詹姆士·丹露帕 發現於1826年5月28日。 該星系是 劍魚座星系團 的重要成員星系 [3],並且是其中亮度最高者 [4][5] 該星系是已知最明亮的 塞弗特星系 之一 [3]。
Webb and Hubble's Views of Spiral Galaxy NGC 1566
2024年1月29日 · Face-on spiral galaxy, NGC 1566, is split diagonally in this image: The James Webb Space Telescope’s observations appear on bottom right, and the Hubble Space Telescope’s at top left.
Hubble Tangos with a Dancer in Dorado - Science@NASA
2023年11月3日 · This vibrant Hubble Space Telescope image features the spiral galaxy NGC 1566, sometimes informally referred to as the ‘Spanish Dancer Galaxy’. Like the subject of another recent image, NGC 1566 is a weakly-barred or intermediate spiral galaxy.
NGC 1566 GalaxyFacts, Distance & Picture - Universe Guide
NGC 1566 is a Seyfert 1 Galaxy located in the constellation of Dorado in the southern hemisphere. NGC 1566's distance from Earth is 32,455,821.14 light years. NGC 1566 is called NGC 1566 in the New General Catalogue (NGC).
Composite Image of NGC 1566 - NASA
2022年4月20日 · Composite Image of NGC 1566. This galaxy is part of a large survey of more than 100 galaxies conducted by Chandra that looked for evidence of growing black holes. A new study uncovered evidence that stellar-mass black holes in these dense environments are ripping apart multiple stars, and then using their debris to fuel their growth.
APOD: 2019 July 2 - NGC 1566: The Spanish Dancer Spiral Galaxy
Classified as a grand design spiral, NGC 1566's shows two prominent and graceful spiral arms that are traced by bright blue star clusters and dark cosmic dust lanes. Numerous Hubble Space Telescope images of NGC 1566 have been taken to study star formation, supernovas, and the spiral's unusually active center.
NGC 1566 | ESA/Webb
2024年1月29日 · NGC 1566 is 60 million light-years away in the constellation Dorado. Learn more about what can be seen in this vast collection of Webb images here. [Image description: Webb’s image of NGC 1566 shows a densely populated face-on spiral galaxy anchored by a central region that has a light blue haze surrounding it.
NGC 1566 - 百度百科
NGC 1566 是剑鱼座的一个中间螺旋星系。 由詹姆士·丹露帕发现于1826年5月28日。 该星系是剑鱼座星系团的重要成员星系,并且是其中亮度最高者该星系是已知最明亮的塞弗特星系之一。 NGC 1566的绝对光度为3.7×1010 L☉,并且内部中性氢区(H I)质量达到1.4×1010 M☉。
NGC 1566: 韦伯与哈勃的螺旋星系影像 | NASA中文
2024年2月6日 · Very little, which makes the Spanish Dancer galaxy, NGC 1566, one of the most typical and photogenic spirals on the sky. There is something different about this galaxy image, though, because it is a diagonal combination of two images: one by the Hubble Space Telescope on the upper left, and the other by the James Webb Space Telescope on the ...