NGC 18 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
NGC 18,是 飛馬座 的一個 雙星。 [1] 该双星的 视星等 为14等, 赤經 為9分23秒, 赤緯 為+27°43'56"。 在1866年10月15日首次被赫尔曼·舒尔茨(Herman Schultz)發現。 [1]
NGC 18 - Wikipedia
NGC 18 is a double star system located in the constellation of Pegasus. [1] It was first recorded by Herman Schultz on 15 October 1866. It was looked for but not found by Édouard Stephan on 2 October 1882.
NGC 18 - Double Star in Pegasus | TheSkyLive.com
NGC 18 is a Double Star in the Pegasus constellation. NGC 18 is situated north of the celestial equator and, as such, it is more easily visible from the northern hemisphere. Given its B magnitude of 14, NGC 18 is visible with the help of a telescope having an aperture of 14 inches (350mm) or more.
Caldwell 18 - Science@NASA
2024年8月23日 · Located in Cassiopeia, not far from Caldwell 17, Caldwell 18 is a dwarf galaxy and a satellite of the Andromeda galaxy. Also known as NGC 185, it is a member of the Local Group of galaxies. Caldwell 18 is notable for its active galactic nucleus, a region at the center of the galaxy that emits extreme radiation over part of the electromagnetic ...
NGC 18 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - zh.wikipedia.org
2021年7月8日 · 用於已登出編輯者的頁面 了解更多
NGC 185 - Wikipedia
NGC 185 (also known as Caldwell 18) is a dwarf spheroidal galaxy located 2.08 million light-years from Earth, appearing in the constellation Cassiopeia. It is a member of the Local Group, and is a satellite of the Andromeda Galaxy (M31). [6] NGC 185 was discovered by William Herschel on November 30, 1787, and he cataloged it "H II.707". [6]
NGC 1851A: Revealing an ongoing three-body encounter in a …
2025年3月7日 · View a PDF of the paper titled NGC 1851A: Revealing an ongoing three-body encounter in a dense globular cluster, by A. Dutta and 18 other authors View PDF HTML (experimental) Abstract: PSR J0514$-$4002A is a binary millisecond pulsar located in the globular cluster NGC 1851.
NGC 18 - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
NGC 18 es un sistema de doble estrella (ambos G4) ubicado en la constelación de Pegasus. 3 Fue grabado por primera vez por Herman Schultz el 15 de octubre de 1866. Fue buscado pero no encontrado por Édouard Stephan el 2 de octubre de 1882. Guillaume Bigourdan lo observó de forma independiente en noviembre de 1886.
NGC 18 — Wikipédia
NGC 18 est une étoile double située dans la constellation de Pégase près de NGC 16. Cette paire d'étoile a été enregistrée par l'astronome suédois Herman Schultz (en).
NGC 18 - Wikiwand
NGC 18 is a double star system located in the constellation of Pegasus. It was first recorded by Herman Schultz on 15 October 1866. It was looked for but not fo...
NGC 1803 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
ngc 1803 是绘架座的一個棒旋星系。离地球约1.92亿光年,由約翰·弗里德里希·威廉·赫歇爾在1834年发现,直径约为87000光年。 [1] 哈勃空间望远镜拍摄的ngc 1803
NGC/IC Project Restoration Efforts
===== NGC 1820 is a large cloud of stars in the LMC, 8 arcmin by 5 arcmin, rather scattered on the DSS1. It contains several fainter, smaller clusters, two of which (NGC 1814 and NGC 1816) JH saw. The position I estimated on DSS1 is the approximate center of the entire complex.
Hot White Dwarf Shines in Young Star Cluster NGC 1818
1998年4月9日 · A dazzling "jewel-box" collection of over 20,000 stars can be seen in crystal clarity in this NASA Hubble Space Telescope image, taken with the Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2. The young (40 million year old) cluster, called NGC 1818, is 164,000 light-years away in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), a satellite galaxy of our Milky Way.
NGC 1818 - Wikipedia
NGC 1818 is a young globular cluster in the north-west part of the Large Magellanic Cloud, about 3.2 kpc from the center. [7] It was discovered by Scottish astronomer James Dunlop in 1826, [8] and has since been well studied. [4]
NGC Conservation: Vintage US Coins with a Brighter Future
1 天前 · Posted on 3/18/2025. These rarities have put residue in the rear-view mirror. Numismatic Guaranty Company® (NGC®) uses a variety of proprietary techniques to remove harmful contaminants, stabilize and protect a coin's surfaces and, in many cases, improve a coin's eye appeal. After coins are conserved, they are then graded and encapsulated.
Double Cluster NGC 1850: Second Brightest Star Cluster in the …
2001年7月10日 · Moreover, NGC 1850 is surrounded by a filigree pattern of diffuse gas, which scientists believe was created by the explosion of massive stars. NGC 1850, imaged here with the NASA Hubble Space Telescope, is an unusual double cluster that lies in the bar of the Large Magellanic Cloud, a satellite galaxy of our own Milky Way.
Gibraltar Pound KM 18 Prices & Values - NGC
Assess world coin values with the World Coin Price Guide on NGCcoin.com. View Gibraltar Pound prices, images and mintage info.
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NGC 1499 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
NGC 1499俗稱加利福尼亞星雲或加州星雲(California Nebula),是位於英仙座的發射星雲,距離地球約1,000光年,最初在1884年由美國 天文學家 巴納德發現。 它的名稱來自它酷似 美國 加利福尼亞州 的輪廓。
NGC Registry Featured Set: Tudor Beasts
1 天前 · Posted on 3/18/2025. With a greyhound joining the British series, we check on a magnificent set that muscled its way to the top of its category. ... The NGC Registry continues to be the world’s most comprehensive online coin collecting platform thanks to you, our treasured collectors. This popular resource now boasts more than 38,000 users ...