Messier 37 - Wikipedia
Messier 37 (also known as M37, NGC 2099, or the Salt and Pepper Cluster) is the brightest and richest open cluster in the constellation Auriga. It was discovered by the Italian astronomer Giovanni Battista Hodierna before 1654.
M37(也称 NGC 2099 、 梅西耶M37)是一个位于 御夫座 的富含恒星的 疏散星团,在北半球可见,它是银河系众多疏散星团中的一员。 M37是御夫座南部三个疏散星团(其余两个为 M36 和 M38)中视亮度最亮的。 M37是位于 御夫座 内富含恒星的一个 疏散星团。 它是御夫座内最亮的三个疏散星团之一,在1654年之前就已经被 意大利 天文学家Giovanni Battista Hodierna发现了。 法国天文学家Guillaume Le Gentil在1749年重新发现 M36 和M38时错过了M37。 法国天文学家 …
Messier 37 - Messier Objects
2015年4月30日 · Messier 37 (M37) is an open cluster in the constellation Auriga. It has the designation NGC 2099 in the New General Catalogue. M37 is the brightest, richest and largest of the three open clusters in this constellation that were catalogued by Messier. It has an apparent magnitude of 6.2 and lies at a distance of 4,511 light years from Earth.
M37 - Marmot Observatory
M37 | NGC 2099 | Open Cluster | Auriga | 4,500 Light Years Away. Messier 37, also known as the Salt and Pepper Cluster, is an open star cluster located in the constellation Auriga.
Messier 37 Open Star Cluster | Astro-Observer
Messier 37 (M37), also known as NGC 2099, is a rich open star cluster located in the constellation Auriga. It is the brightest and most populated of the three Messier star clusters in Auriga, making it a fascinating object for amateur astronomers and seasoned stargazers alike.
Messier 37 Star Cluster (NGC 2099) Facts & Distance - Universe …
Messier 37 is an Open Star Cluster located in the constellation of Auriga in the northern hemisphere. Messier 37's distance from Earth is 4,511.00 light years. Messier 37 is also known as M37 or Messier 37 when Charles Messier catalogued it in 18th - 19th Century France. Messier 37 is called NGC 2099 in the New General Catalogue (NGC).
Messier 37 (NGC 2099) | Auriga | Go Astronomy
Messier 37 (NGC 2099) is an open cluster located in the constellation Auriga, in the Perseus Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy in the Local Group of galaxies. M37 is 4500 light years away from Earth. M37 is best viewed during winter, is magnitude 6.2, and can be viewed with binoculars. M37 is 24' in apparent size. For reference, the full moon is 30'.
Messier 37 - the NGC 2099 Open Star Cluster - Universe Today
2017年3月13日 · Located in the Auriga constellation, roughly 4500 light years from Earth, is the open star cluster known as Messier 37.
NGC 2099 (M37) - irida-observatory.org
NGC 2099 (Messier 37, M37) is a very rich open cluster towards the constellation of Auriga. It contains more than 1450 stars and ~460 are detected as variables (Hartman et al., 2009).
Messier 37 - M37 - AstroPixels
Messier 37 or M37 (also designated NGC 2099) is an open cluster in the constellation Auriga. It has an apparent visual magnitude of 6.2 and its angular diameter is 24 arc-minutes. M37 lies at an estimated distance of 4400 light years. The Equinox 2000 coordinates are RA= 5h 52.4m, Dec= +32° 33´ which makes M37 best seen during the winter.