NGC 2242 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
ngc 2242是一个在御夫座的行星状星云,于1886年11月24日被路易斯·斯威夫特发现并被认为是一个星系 [1] 直至1987年一个研究表明它是一个行星状星云。 [2] 该星云在銀河平面上约1600光 …
NGC 2242 - Wikipedia
NGC 2242 is a planetary nebula in the constellation Auriga. It was discovered by Lewis A. Swift on November 24, 1886, [1] and was thought to be a galaxy until a study published in 1987 …
1987年1月1日 · The nebula NGC 2242 is found to be a previously unknown planetary nebula. Its emission-line fluxes and a finding chart are presented. The nebula is found to have very high …
The nebula NGC 2242 was discovered on 1886 Novem-ber 24 by Lewis Swift (1887) at the Warner Observatory in Rochester, N.Y., with a 16-inch (41-cm) refractor. He described the …
NGC 2242 - a newly-discovered planetary nebula - OSTI.GOV
The nebula NGC 2242 is found to be a previously unknown planetary nebula. Its emission-line fluxes and a finding chart are presented. The nebula is found to have very high ionization and …
NGC 2242 : a newly discovered planetary nebula. - NASA/ADS
NGC 2242 is probably a planetary nebula located at ≡2 kpc from the sun and at ≡500 pc above the galactic plane. Characteristics and physical parameters of NGC 2242 are discussed in …
We present IUE observations of the high-ionization planetary nebula NGC 2242. The ultravio-let spectrum exhibits strong emission lines of C iv, He π, C ill], and [Ne iv], plus weaker emission …
NGC 2242 - AstroBin
This object is a small planetary nebula located 9600 light years away in the constellation of Auriga at a declination of +45 degrees. It is a magnitude 15.2 PN which spans 0.5 arc-minutes in our …
NGC 2242: Planetary In Auriga - Deep Sky Observing - Cloudy Nights
2021年1月18日 · It's a 15 magnitude 22" planetary described by Skyhound as a, "little-known planetary nebula in Auriga that provides a nice challenge for users of larger telescopes." He …
NGC 2242 (Gary Imm) - AstroBin
2023年11月19日 · This object is a small planetary nebula located 9600 light years away in the constellation of Auriga at a declination of +45 degrees. It is a magnitude 15.2 PN which spans …