NGC 2346 - Wikipedia
NGC 2346 is a planetary nebula near the celestial equator in the constellation of Monoceros, [5] less than a degree to the ESE of Delta Monocerotis. [6] It is informally known as the Butterfly Nebula. [3] The nebula is bright and conspicuous with a visual magnitude of 9.6, [3] and has been extensively studied.
NGC 2346 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
NGC 2346 是位於 麒麟座 中,靠近 天球赤道 的一個 行星狀星雲 [5],在麒麟座δ的東南東方距離不到1度之處 [6]。 它被非正式地稱為 蝴蝶星雲[3]。 星雲明亮而顯眼, 視星等 為9.6 [3], 並已被廣泛研究。 它最顯著的特徵之一是其異常低溫的中心恆星,這是一對 光譜聯星,以及它不尋常的形狀。 這個星雲呈現雙極性,氣體流出速度適中,在8〜11km/s的範圍內,而中心則由膨脹的分子氣體環包圍。 星雲的電子密度約為每立方釐米400。 星雲的電離是來自聯星伴星的 紫外線 發射 …
NGC 2346 - 百度百科
NGC 2346,是一个位于 麒麟座 的 行星状星云,呈蝴蝶状,处于天赤道的位置。 这个星云的中心恒星为一分光 双星系统,其恒星温度比不少恒星为低,每16天互相公转一周。 恒星的光度会随时间而改变,人们认为有尘埃围绕恒星公转,而这些尘埃因受到恒星的加热而释出红外线,因此星云的光谱图,红外线部分显得特别明亮。 NGC 2346距离地球6523.2光年,其大小1/3 光年。 NGC 2346,是一个位于麒麟座的行星状星云,呈蝴蝶状,处于天赤道的位置。
Butterfly Nebula - NASA
2008年3月23日 · The Hubble Space Telescope captured this image of the “butterfly wing”- shaped nebula, NGC 2346. The nebula is about 2,000 light-years away from Earth in the direction of the constellation Monoceros. It represents the spectacular “last gasp” of a binary star system at the nebula’s center.
Butterfly Nebula - NASA Science
2008年3月23日 · The Hubble Space Telescope captured this image of the “butterfly wing”- shaped nebula, NGC 2346. The nebula is about 2,000 light-years away from Earth in the direction of the constellation Monoceros. It represents the spectacular “last gasp” of a binary star system at the nebula’s center.
APOD: 2001 October 28 - NGC 2346: A Butterfly-Shaped Planetary …
NGC 2346 is a planetary nebula made of gas and dust that has evolved into a familiar shape. At the heart of the bipolar planetary nebula is a pair of close stars orbiting each other once every sixteen days. The tale of how the butterfly blossomed probably began millions of years ago, when the stars were farther apart.
Butterfly Wing-Shaped Planetary Nebula NGC 2346 | HubbleSite
1997年3月14日 · The Hubble Space Telescope's Wide Field and Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2) is back at work, capturing this black-and-white image of the "butterfly wing"-shaped nebula, NGC 2346. The nebula is about 2,000 light-years away from Earth in …
NGC 2346: A Cosmic Butterfly’s Delicate Wings | Gemini Observatory
NOAO scientists, using the Gemini Observatory 8-meter telescope in Chile, have obtained the highest resolution image ever obtained for the planetary nebula NGC 2346. Shaped like a butterfly, or an hourglass, but known scientifically as a bipolar planetary nebula, this object is at a distance of 2,300 light-years from our Sun in the ...
Butterfly Nebula (NGC 2346) - Deep⋆Sky Corner
NGC 2346 is an unusual planetary nebula (PN), this is already evident from its outward appearance. The object is aptly described in the usual classification scheme by Vorontsov-Velyaminov: an irregular disk with traces of a ring structure, but …
NGC 2346: A Cosmic Butterfly Plays Peekaboo - Sky & Telescope
2016年3月2日 · NGC 2346, the Butterfly Nebula, achieved its remarkable dual-lobed or bi-polar shape in part because of interactions between the two stars at its center. The nebula is located about 2,000 light-years from Earth in Monoceros.