NGC 2407 - Elliptical/Spiral Galaxy in Gemini | TheSkyLive.com
NGC 2407 is a Elliptical/Spiral Galaxy in the Gemini constellation. NGC 2407 is situated close to the celestial equator and, as such, it is at least partly visible from both hemispheres in certain times of the year.
NGC 2407 Galaxy (UGC 3896) Facts - Universe Guide
NGC 2407 is a Spiral Galaxy located in the constellation of Gemini in the northern hemisphere. NGC 2407 is called NGC 2407 in the New General Catalogue (NGC). This catalogue is a list of deep space objects compiled by John Louis Emil Dreyer in 1888 to …
NGC2407 (Galaxy) - In-The-Sky.org
From Virginia Beach , NGC2407 is visible in the evening sky, becoming accessible around 20:15 (EDT), 70° above your southern horizon, as dusk fades to darkness. It will then reach its highest point in the sky at 20:44, 71° above your southern horizon.
NGC 2407 - 百度百科
NGC 2407 是位于 双子座 的一个 星系。 它的 赤经 为 731.9, 赤纬 为 18° 21′。 注意事项:由于各大巡天数据覆盖区域有所不同,因此一些纯色图可能只是覆盖区域未达到所致。 版权声明:以上图片数据来自于 DSS、SDSS、H-Alpha、RASS、Ultraviolet (GALEX) 和 Infrared (IRAS) 等巡天项目。 NGC 2407是位于双子座的一个星系。 它的赤经为 731.9,赤纬为 18° 21′。
NGC2407 - simbad.u-strasbg.fr
2023年4月16日 · NGC 2407 -- Galaxy towards a Group of Galaxies The astronomical object called NGC 2407 is a Galaxy towards a Group of Galaxies Origin of the objects types :
New General Catalog Objects: NGC 2400 - 2449 - cseligman.com
2023年8月14日 · Physical Information: Based on a recessional velocity of 8405 km/sec (and H 0 = 70 km/sec/Mpc), a straightforward calculation indicates that NGC 2407 is about 390 million light-years away; but for such distant objects we need to take into account the expansion of the Universe during the time it took the light of the object to reach us. Doing ...
NGC 2407 - Wikipedia
NGC 2407 este o galaxie lenticulară situată în constelația Gemenii. [6] [7] [8] A fost descoperită în 7 februarie 1885 de către Édouard Stephan (d). [9] Se află la o distanță de 117,14 megaparseci de Pământ. [10]
NGC 2407 | galaxy in Gemini | NGC List | GO ASTRONOMY
NGC 2407 . NGC 2407 is a lenticular galaxy located in the constellation Gemini. Some key stats include:
NGC 2407 - 银河 - SKY-MAP
Arcsecond Positions of UGC Galaxies We present accurate B1950 and J2000 positions for all confirmed galaxiesin the Uppsala General Catalog (UGC).
NGC 2407 - spider.seds.org
NGC 2407 Galaxy in Gemini Dreyer's description: eF, eS, vSN? Cross Identifications: Stephan XIII.