NGC 2451 - Wikipedia
NGC 2451 is an open cluster in the Puppis constellation, probably discovered by Giovanni Battista Hodierna before 1654 and John Herschel in 1835. [1] In 1994, it was postulated that this was actually two open clusters that lie along the same line of sight.
NGC 2451 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
NGC 2451 是在船尾座的一個疏散星團,天球座標為赤經7時45.4分,赤緯-14度58分,視覺觀測大小約45角分,亮度约2.8視星等。早在1654年之前就已經被 喬瓦尼·巴皮斯塔·霍迪納 ( 英语 : Giovanni Battista Hodierna ) 發現,約翰·赫歇爾在1835年也記錄了它 [1] 。在1994年 ...
NGC2451, NGC2477(とも座の散開星団) - Stellar Scenes
NGC2451は約45分の広がりの中に50個ほどの星がばらまかれており,双眼鏡でもひとめで散開星団とわかります。 全体の明るさは3等級ということになっているので,肉眼でもいくつかの星が見えることになります。 NGC2451から東南東に1.5度離れたところにNGC2477があります。 双眼鏡では星雲状,6cm程度の小望遠鏡でメンバーの星々の様子が見えてきます。 視直径は約30分,明るさは6等ほどで,こちらは肉眼で見るのはまず無理です。 このように密集度が対 …
NGC 2451: A Stinging Scorpion Down South in Puppis
2025年1月11日 · The shimmering star cluster NGC 2451 is located in the southern constellation of Puppis and is best observed during late autumn and winter nights. With its sparkling brilliance, this cluster captivates viewers, much like the swift and surprising sting of a scorpion—an unforgettable experience!
NGC 2451 - Open Cluster in Puppis | TheSkyLive.com
NGC 2451 is a Open Cluster in the Puppis constellation. NGC 2451 is situated south of the celestial equator and, as such, it is more easily visible from the southern hemisphere. Given its visual magnitude of 9.5, NGC 2451 is visible with the help of a binocular with a 80mm aperture or a small telescope.
NGC 2451 - 百度百科
NGC 2451是一个位于 船尾座 的 疏散星团, 天球 座标为 赤经 7时45.4分, 赤纬 -14度58分,视觉观测大小约45 角分,亮度约2.8 视星等,距地球850 光年。 NGC 2451包含约40颗星,年龄约为三千六百万年,是一个比较年轻的 星团。 星团内的最亮星是 船尾座 C(古名孤矢三),是一个3.6等橘色巨星。 NGC 2451在 1654年 被意大利天文学家乔瓦尼·巴蒂斯特·霍迪尔纳(Giovanni Battista Hodierna)首次纪录在星表中,但是未见记载于 夏尔·梅西耶 的天体列表和 威廉·赫歇尔 的 深 …
The Stinging Scorpion (NGC 2451), open cluster M93, and the …
2014年2月6日 · The Stinging Scorpion (NGC 2451) is an excellent target for naked-eye and binocular observers, open cluster M93 offers small-telescope owners nice views, and...
Stellar Activity in the Open Cluster NGC 2451 - ADS - NASA/ADS
NGC 2451 A/B is especially interesting since it is a rather young (50 Myrs) and possibly metal-deficient cluster very close to us. We present first results of the analysis of X-ray data (ROSAT PSPC and HRI pointings) and optical observations of the open cluster NGC 2451.
NGC 2451
The grouping of stars in this image was originally classified as a single cluster, Collinder 161 or NGC 2451. They are now recognised as belonging to two separate clusters overlaid on one another in the sky, with NGC 2451A representing the nearer of the two.
NGC 2451 - What is it? - NASA/ADS
During the last decade, a debate has arisen whether the grouping of stars called NGC 2451 is a real star cluster. We investigate the corresponding area of the sky kinematically, using proper motions of the PPM catalogue.