NGC 2527 - Wikipedia
NGC 2527 (also catalogued as NGC 2520) is an open cluster in the constellation Puppis. It was discovered by William Herschel on December 9, 1784. The cluster was also observed by John Herschel on January 7, 1831. He also observed it on February 5, 1837, identifying it as a different object, which was catalogued as NGC 2520.
A multiwavelength view of the open cluster NGC 2527: discovery …
We present a comprehensive study of an open star cluster, NGC 2527, by combining data from XMM-UVOT-Gaia. Cluster membership of stars and their photometry are taken from Gaia and cross-matched with XMM and UVOT detections.
multiwavelength view of the open cluster NGC 2527: discovery of …
2020年3月4日 · We present a comprehensive study of an open star cluster, NGC 2527, by combining data from XMM-UVOT- Gaia. Cluster membership of stars and their photometry are taken from Gaia and cross-matched with XMM and UVOT detections.
A multi-wavelength view of the open cluster NGC 2527: Discovery of ...
2020年2月28日 · We present a comprehensive study of an open star cluster, NGC2527, by combining data from XMM-UVOT-Gaia. Cluster membership of stars and their photometry are taken from Gaia and cross-matched...
The galactic cluster NGC 2527. - NASA/ADS
Results are presented for UBV photographic photometry of 368 stars to a limiting V magnitude of 16.6 performed to examine the reality of the Galactic cluster NGC 2527 and to seek fainter extensions to the main sequence. Star counts are discussed which reveal no significant radial number-density gradient with respect to the expected cluster center.
NGC 2527 Galaxy Facts - Universe Guide
NGC 2527 is a Spiral Galaxy located in the constellation of Puppis in the southern hemisphere. NGC 2527 is called NGC 2527 in the New General Catalogue (NGC). This catalogue is a list of deep space objects compiled by John Louis Emil Dreyer in 1888 to …
NGC 2527 - simbad.u-strasbg.fr
2022年1月15日 · The SIMBAD astronomical database provides basic data, cross-identifications, bibliography and measurements for astronomical objects outside the solar system.
NGC 2527 - Wikiwand
NGC 2527 (also catalogued as NGC 2520) is an open cluster in the constellation Puppis. It was discovered by William Herschel on December 9, 1784. The cluster was also observed by John Herschel on January 7, 1831. He also observed it on February 5, 1837, identifying it as a different object, which was catalogued as NGC 2520.
The open cluster NGC 2527. - NASA/ADS
Photographic magnitudes on the UBV system based on a photoelectric sequence have been determined for stars in NGC 2527, designed as an open cluster. Spectral classes have been determined for the brightest stars from slit spectra and objective prism plates.
Herschel 112 NGC 2527 - phys.ttu.edu
Combination of 15, 1 minute images unfiltered. SBIG STL-1001E CCD. 20" f/6.8 Dall-Kirkham cassegrain telescope at prime focus. Number 112 in the Herschel 400 list is NGC 2527. This is a fairly large scattered cluster of stars in Puppis. Since the brighter stars are all around 9th or 10th magnitude, this cluster is easy with 20 x 80 binoculars.