NGC 2639 - Spiral Galaxy in Ursa Major | TheSkyLive.com
NGC 2639 is a Spiral Galaxy in the Ursa Major constellation. NGC 2639 is situated north of the celestial equator and, as such, it is more easily visible from the northern hemisphere. Given its …
Problem Set #8 - National Radio Astronomy Observatory
The galaxy NGC 2639 is an Sa galaxy with a measured maximum rotational velocity of 324 km/s and an apparent magnitude of B = 12.22 mag (after making corrections for any extinction). (a) …
NGC 2639 - 百度百科
NGC 2639是位于大熊座的一个星系。 它的赤经为 843.6,赤纬为 50° 12′,大小 2′。
AGN Feedback Through Multiple Jet Cycles in the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 2639
2023年1月4日 · NGC 2639 shows a deficit of molecular gas in its central ∼ 6 kpc region. The GALEX NUV image also shows a deficiency of recent star-formation in the same region, while …
NGC2639 - u-strasbg.fr
Some important notes on this object about identifications and objects associations. See also Specfind radio flux densities . The link on the acronym of the identifiers give access to the …
NGC2639 (Galaxy) - In-The-Sky.org
From Redmond , NGC2639 is visible all night. It will become visible at around 20:28 (PDT), 72° above your eastern horizon, as dusk fades to darkness. It will then reach its highest point in …
NGC 2639 | galaxy in Ursa Major | New General Catalogue
< NGC List NGC 2639. NGC 2639 is a early spiral galaxy located in the constellation of Ursa Major. The NGC is a catalog of 7,840 nebulae, star clusters, and galaxies. Here are the key …
NGC 2639 - Wikipedia
NGC 2639 (također poznat kao IRAS 08400+5023, MCG 8-16-24, PGC 24506 i UGC 4544) je spiralna galaksija koja je udaljena oko 153 miliona sg od Zemlje i nalazi se u sazviježđu Veliki …
NGC 2639 - 螺旋星系. 描述 NGC 2639: - kosmoved.ru
NGC 2639 - 螺旋星系. 描述 NGC 2639: 对象 NGC 2639 正好位于图片的中心. 此版本的 NGC目录使用NASA,ngcicproject.org和其他来源的快照。 在原来位置的图像被提及为免费的许可限制 …
NGC 2639(銀河・おおぐま座) - orio.blog
2018年7月12日 · NGC 2639は、おおぐま座にあるセイファートType1(2とするものもあり)の渦状銀河です。 我々の小さな望遠鏡の画像では拡大してようやく渦状であることがわかる程 …