NGC 2793 - Spiral Galaxy in Lynx | TheSkyLive.com
NGC 2793 is a Spiral Galaxy in the Lynx constellation. NGC 2793 is situated north of the celestial equator and, as such, it is more easily visible from the northern hemisphere. Given its B …
NGC 2793 Galaxy (UGC 4894) Facts & Distance - Universe Guide
NGC 2793 is a Spiral Galaxy located in the constellation of Lynx in the northern hemisphere. NGC 2793's distance from Earth is 65,802,049.20 light years. NGC 2793 is called NGC 2793 in the …
NGC 2793 - 百度百科
NGC 2793的 赤经 为 916.8, 赤纬 为 34° 26′,大小 1.3′。 NGC 2793是位于天猫座的一个星系。
By Name | NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database
Selected data and derived quantities for NGC 2793 †. More information in the tabs above. Cross-identifications: Essential note: NGC 2793; UGC 04894; KUG 0913+346B; CGCG 181-006; …
NGC 2793 - Wikipedia
NGC 2793 (također poznat kao IRAS 09137+3438, MCG 6-21-2, PGC 26189 i UGC 4894) je prečkasta spiralna galaksija koja je udaljena oko 78 miliona sg od Zemlje i nalazi se u …
Mantrap Skies Astronomical Image Catalog: NGC2793
The long diameter of NGC 2793 measures about 29,000 light-years assuming the 89 million light-year distance. It is located in southeastern Lynx on the northwestern edge of the Abell 779 …
NGC 2793 | galaxy in Lynx | New General Catalogue
< NGC List NGC 2793. NGC 2793 is a Magellanic spiral galaxy located in the constellation of Lynx. The NGC is a catalog of 7,840 nebulae, star clusters, and galaxies. Here are the key …
NGC2793 (Galaxy) - In-The-Sky.org
Click and drag the chart above to pan around the sky, or use the mouse wheel to zoom. Click to enlarge . From Virginia Beach , NGC2793 will become visible at around 21:42 (EDT), 26° …
NGC 2793 - spiral galaxy with bar. Description NGC 2793:
NGC 2793 - galaxy in the constellation Lyncis Type: SBm - spiral galaxy with bar The angular dimensions: 1.20'x1.0' magnitude: V=13.0 m; B=13.6 m The surface brightness: 13.0 …
NGC 2793 — Википедија
NGC 2793 — спирална галаксија во соѕвездието Рис, заведена во Новиот општ каталог на длабоконебесни тела. Објектот бил предмет и на други истражувања, па освен како …