NGC 2993 GalaxyFacts & Distance - Universe Guide
NGC 2993 is an Spiral Galaxy located in the constellation of Hydra in the equatorial region. NGC 2993's distance from Earth is 99,477,695.20 light years. NGC 2993 is called NGC 2993 in the …
NGC 2993 - Spiral Galaxy in Hydra - TheSkyLive.com
NGC 2993 is a Spiral Galaxy in the Hydra constellation. NGC 2993 is situated close to the celestial equator and, as such, it is at least partly visible from both hemispheres in certain …
ARP 245 with NGC 2992/NGC 2993 in LRGB - collaboration
2024年4月27日 · NGC 2992 is an active nucleus spiral galaxy situated approximately 130 million light years away in the constellation of Hydra. It is interacting with the early spiral galaxy NGC …
Mantrap Skies Astronomical Image Catalog: ARP245
Arp 245/NGC 2992-3 is a great pair of interacting galaxies in Hydra. Redshift puts them at about 125 million light-years but most papers are going with the Tully-Fisher distance of 100 million …
NGC 2993 - Galaxy - SKY-MAP
The inner region of NGC 2992 seems not to beperturbed by the interaction with its companion, NGC 2993. Spectroscopic Observations of the Star Formation Activities in the Central Regions …
Galaxy Pair NGC2992 and NGC2993 – Stardust Observatory
Seyfert galaxy NGC 2992 and emission-line galaxy NGC 2993 is a delicate pair of galaxies in the process of merging. A distinct bridge of migrating galactic material links the two in an intriguing …
Webb Deep-Sky Society: Galaxy of the Month: NGC2993
This interactive image of the NGC 2992 was provided by the Pan-STARRS1 Surveys using Aladin Sky Atlas. We also have a finder chart that should help you identify these galaxies. The pair of …
NGC 2992 - Wikipedia
NGC 2992 is a Seyfert galaxy located 103 [6] million light years distant in the equatorial constellation of Hydra. It was discovered in 1785 by Anglo-German astronomer William Herschel.
NGC 2993 - 百度百科
NGC 2993是位于长蛇座的一个星系。
NGC 2993 - spiral galaxy. Description NGC 2993: - kosmoved.ru
NGC 2993 - galaxy in the constellation Hydrae Type: Sa - spiral galaxy The angular dimensions: 1.30'x0.9' magnitude: V=12.6 m; B=13.1 m The surface brightness: 12.7 mag/arcmin 2 …