NGC 3077 - Wikipedia
NGC 3077 is a small disrupted elliptical galaxy, a member of the M81 Group, which is located in the northern constellation Ursa Major. Despite being similar to an elliptical galaxy in appearance, it is peculiar for two reasons.
NGC 3077 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
NGC 3077 是一個小型 橢圓星系,屬於 M81 星系群,位於北方的 大熊座。 儘管NGC 3077外觀類似於橢圓星系,但由於兩個原因顯得十分奇特。 首先,這個星系有模糊的邊緣和散落的塵埃雲,這可能是與較大的鄰居(例如 M82 星系)發生引力相互作用的結果。 其次,這個星系有一個活躍的核心,導致 卡爾·基南·西佛 在1943年將NGC 3077列入他的星系表中,現在稱為西佛星系。 然而,NGC 3077雖然是一個發射星系,但如今已不再歸類為西佛星系。 1801年11月8日,NGC …
A deceptively quiet galaxy - ESA/Hubble
2010年11月1日 · At first glance NGC 3077 looks like a typical, relatively peaceful elliptical galaxy. However, as this NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image dramatically reveals it is actually a hotbed of very energetic star formation and the whole galaxy is laced with dusty tendrils. It lies about 13 million light-years from Earth.
Cosmic Challenge: NGC 2976 and NGC 3077 - Cloudy Nights
2023年4月1日 · NGC 3077, an odd-looking 10th-magnitude elliptical galaxy, lies about 45' to the southeast of M81, just beyond a 10th-magnitude field star. As shown in the digitized sketch below, NGC 3077 looks like a slightly oval, fuzzy patch of gray …
NGC 3077 - 百度百科
ngc 3077是一个小星系,属于m81星系群,位于大熊座的北部。 尽管它看上去很像一个 椭圆星系 ,但它是奇特的,原因有二。 首先,它显示的是微乎其微的边缘和散乱的尘埃云,这可能是它与更大的邻居(类似于M82星系)的引力相互作用的结果。
The Progenitor of the Peculiar Galaxy NGC 3077 - IOPscience
2023年7月19日 · We present a study of the structural properties and metallicity distribution of the nearby peculiar galaxy NGC 3077. Using data from our survey of the M81 Group with the Hyper Suprime-Cam on board the Subaru Telescope, we construct deep color–magnitude diagrams that are used to probe the old red giant branch (RGB) population of NGC 3077.
ANGST Survey Galaxy – NGC 3077 - Science@NASA
2008年9月30日 · These images taken by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope capture three close-up views of the spiral galaxy NGC 300, a member of the Sculptor Group of galaxies near our Milky Way. NGC 300 resides 7 million light-years from Earth. In …
Walter et al., NGC 3077 - IOPscience
NGC 3077 is a prominent example of an interacting dwarf galaxy. Together with the prototypical starburst galaxy M82 and the spiral galaxy M81, it forms the famous M81 triplet.
Irregular Galaxy NGC 3077 - Kopernik Observatory & Science …
2002年1月20日 · Irregular Galaxy NGC 3077: While this galaxy at first appears to be a typical elliptical galaxy, a closer examination of the image reveals several dark lanes extending from the non-uniform nucleus. The galaxy is one of the members of the M-81 group, and it is more akin to disturbed galaxy M-82 than it is to an elliptical.
NGC3077 | Max Planck Institute for Radio Astronomy
The galaxy NGC 3077 belongs to the Hubble class I0 pec. Its disk is inclined by 45° with respect to the sky plane. This galaxy has a distance median value of 3.8 Mpc. Total Intensity at 6.2 cm (4.85 GHz), Effelsberg, Resolution 144'', Unpublished, Credit: David Mulcahy (MPIfR & Univ. of Manchester, UK)