NGC 3114 - Wikipedia
NGC 3114 is a sparse open cluster which is projected onto the outskirts of the Carina complex. [2] Because of the high number of field stars from the disc of the Milky Way, it is very difficult object to study [2] as this contamination makes its size ambiguous.
NGC 3114 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
ngc 3114是一個稀疏的疏散星團,位於船底座的外圍 [2] 。 由於NGC 3114位在 恆星 眾多的 銀河系 核心中,因此研究NGC 3114非常困難,因為大小變得難以估計 [ 2 ] 。
NGC 3114 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - zh.wikipedia.org
ngc 3114是一個稀疏的疏散星團,位於船底座的外圍 [2] 。 由於NGC 3114位在 恆星 眾多的 銀河系 核心中,因此研究NGC 3114非常困難,因為大小變得難以估計 [ 2 ] 。
Open cluster NGC 3114, the Sliced Onion Galaxy (NGC 3344), and ...
2016年5月12日 · This week’s small-telescope target is open cluster NGC 3114 in Carina the Keel, and it offers a glorious view. This terrific deep-sky object lies within a spectacular star field.
NGC3114 (Open cluster) - In-The-Sky.org
R/B-band color composite image from the Second Digitized Sky Survey (DSS2), measuring 12 arcminutes across. Click and drag the chart above to pan around the sky, or use the mouse wheel to zoom. Click to enlarge. From Virginia Beach , NGC3114 is not observable because it lies so far south that it never rises above the horizon.
3 The open cluster NGC 3114 - aanda.org
NGC 3114 is a sparse open cluster projected onto the outskirts of the Carina complex, in a fairly rich Milky Way field. Its membership to the Carina complex is actually not clear. It is a difficult object to study, due to the heavy contamination of Galactic disk field stars which does not allow one to unambiguously separate possible members and ...
Chemical analysis of giant stars in the young open cluster NGC 3114
2013年4月3日 · Aims: We carried out a detailed spectroscopic analysis to derive the chemical composition of seven red giants in the young open cluster NGC 3114. Abundances of C, N, O, Li, Na, Mg, Al, Ca, Si, Ti, Ni, Cr, Y, Zr, La, Ce, and Nd were obtained, as well as …
NGC 3114 – Through Light and Time
2024年2月7日 · NGC 3114 is a sparse open cluster on the outskirts of the Carina Complex. It is proximate to a region of Hydrogen Alpha and some low level OIII. The structure of the H alpha and OIII appears similar to that of a supernova remnant.
NGC 3114 - 百度百科
ngc 3114是位于船底座的一个疏散星团,赤经为 102.7,赤纬为 -60° 7′,大小 35′。
NGC 3114 - Open Cluster in Carina | TheSkyLive.com
NGC 3114 is a Open Cluster in the Carina constellation. NGC 3114 is situated south of the celestial equator and, as such, it is more easily visible from the southern hemisphere. Given its visual magnitude of 4.2, NGC 3114 is barely visible to the naked eye, easily visible with the help of a small binocular.