NGC 3226 - Wikipedia
NGC 3226 is a dwarf elliptical galaxy that is interacting with the spiral galaxy NGC 3227. They were both discovered by German-British astronomer William Herschel on 15 February 1784. [2] The two galaxies are one of several examples of a spiral with a dwarf elliptical companion that are listed in the Atlas of Peculiar Galaxies. [3]
NGC 3226 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
NGC 3226 是一個位在 獅子座 的 矮橢圓星系,目前發現正與 NGC 3227 合併當中。 根據星系合併的理論,NGC 3226應該會吸引 NGC 3227 的氣體而形成多 恆星,但是根據 次毫米波 調查並沒有發現任何氣體,代表上述的效應不會發生。 ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database. Results for NGC 3226. [2007-01-14]. (原始内容 存档 于2011-05-14).
NGC 3226 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
ngc 3226是一个位在狮子座的矮椭圆星系,目前发现正与ngc 3227合并当中。根据星系合并的理论,ngc 3226应该会吸引ngc 3227的气体而形成多恒星,但是根据次毫米波调查并没有发现任何气体,代表上述的效应不会发生。
NGC 3226 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - zh.wikipedia.org
NGC 3226 是一個位在 獅子座 的 矮橢圓星系,目前發現正與 NGC 3227 合併當中。 根據星系合併的理論,NGC 3226應該會吸引 NGC 3227 的氣體而形成多 恆星,但是根據 次毫米波 調查並 …
Hubble Captures a Galactic Dance - NASA Science
2022年5月25日 · This NASA Hubble Space Telescope image finds the large spiral galaxy, NGC 3227, wrapped in a turbulent gravitational dance with its companion, the elliptical galaxy NGC 3226. The twosome – collectively known as Arp 94 – is relatively nearby, between 50 and 60 million light-years away toward the constellation Leo, the Lion.
APOD: 2013 October 9 - Arp 94 - Astronomy Picture of the Day
Explanation: This telescopic snapshot records a cosmic moment in the tumultuous lives of large spiral galaxy NGC 3227 and smaller elliptical NGC 3226. Catching them in the middle of an ongoing gravitational dance, the sensitive imaging also follows faint tidal star streams flung from the galaxies in their repeated close encounters.
Warm Gas Pours 'Cold Water' on Galaxy's Star-Making
2014年12月5日 · NGC 3226 is considered something between a youthful "blue" galaxy and an old "red" galaxy. The colors refer to the predominantly galactic blue light radiated by giant, young stars -- a telltale sign of recent star formation -- and the reddish light cast by mature stars in the absence of new, blue ones.
NGC 3226 Galaxy Facts (UGC 5617) & Distance - Universe Guide
NGC 3226 is a Elliptical Galaxy located in the constellation of Leo in the northern hemisphere. NGC 3226's distance from Earth is 110,094,085.29 light years. NGC 3226 is called NGC 3226 in the New General Catalogue (NGC).
A Flood of Gas - NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL)
2014年12月5日 · The surge of warm gas flowing into NGC 3226, seen as a blue filament, appears to be shutting down this galaxy's star formation, disrupting the cool gas needed to make fresh stars. The findings come courtesy of the European Space Agency's Herschel space observatory, in which NASA played a key role, and NASA's Spitzer and Hubble space telescopes.
X-Ray Emission from the Nucleus of the Dwarf Elliptical Galaxy NGC 3226
2001年9月20日 · We present the first high-resolution X-ray image of the dwarf elliptical galaxy NGC 3226. The data were obtained during an observation of the nearby Seyfert Galaxy NGC 3227 using the Chandra X-Ray Observatory. We detect a point X-ray source spatially consistent with the optical nucleus of NGC 3226 and a recently detected, compact, flat-spectrum ...