Messier 95 - Wikipedia
Messier 95, also known as M95 or NGC 3351, is a barred spiral galaxy about 33 million light-years away in the zodiac constellation Leo. It was discovered by Pierre Méchain in 1781, and …
Multiwavelength View of NGC 3351 (Hubble, VLT, ALMA) - Webb
2022年1月19日 · This image of spiral galaxy NGC 3351 combines observations from several observatories to reveal details about its stars and gas. Radio observations from the Atacama …
NGC 3351 - ESA/Webb
2024年1月29日 · [Image description: Webb’s image of NGC 3351 shows a face-on barred spiral galaxy anchored by its central region, which is oval and shows a bright white point at the …
Webb and Hubble's Views of Spiral Galaxy NGC 3351
2024年1月29日 · Face-on spiral galaxy, NGC 3351, is split diagonally in this image: The James Webb Space Telescope’s observations appear on bottom right, and the Hubble Space …
Messier 95 (NGC 3351) | Leo | Go Astronomy
Messier 95, also known as M95 or NGC 3351, is a barred spiral galaxy located approximately 33 million light-years away in the constellation Leo. First documented by Pierre M?chain in 1781 …
NGC 3351_百度百科
NGC 3351(也称为M95)是一个位于狮子座的棒旋星系,由法国天文学家皮埃尔·梅香(Pierre Méchain)于1781年所发现,查尔斯·梅西耶于发现4天后将它登记为梅西耶天体。
Multiwavelength View of NGC 3351 (Hubble, VLT, ALMA Compass …
2022年1月19日 · This composite image of NGC 3351, captured by the Hubble Space Telescope’s Wide Field Camera 3, the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA), and the Very …
Messier 95 - Messier Objects
2015年8月24日 · Messier 95 (M95) is a barred spiral galaxy located in the constellation Leo. It lies at a distance of 32.6 million light years from Earth. Messier 95 has the designation NGC 3351 …
Messier 95 - M95 - AstroPixels
Messier 95 or M95 (also designated NGC 3351) is a barred spiral galaxy in the constellation Leo. It has an apparent visual magnitude of 9.7 and its angular diameter is 4.4x3.3 arc-minutes. …
NGC 3351 (M95) - Archive.org
2005年9月15日 · This image of galaxy NGC 3351, located approximately 30 million light-years away in the constellation Leo was captured by the Spitzer Infrared Nearby Galaxy Survey …
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