NGC 3377 - Wikipedia
NGC 3377 is an elliptical galaxy in the constellation Leo. It is a member of the M96 Group and is about 26 Mly away, with a diameter of approximately 40 000 ly. [4] The supermassive black …
NGC 3377 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
ngc 3377是一个位于狮子座的椭圆星系,距离地球2600万光年,直径约4万光年,属于m96星系群 [4] 。星系内有一超大質量黑洞,质量为 8.0 +0.5 −0.6 × 10 7 m ☉. [2] 。伴星系ngc 3377a亮度 …
NGC 3377 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - zh.wikipedia.org
NGC 3377 是一個位於 獅子座 的 橢圓星系 ,距離地球2600萬光年,直徑約4萬光年,屬於 M96星系群 [ 4] 。 星系內有一 超大質量黑洞 ,質量為 8.0+0.5. −0.6 × 107 M☉. [ 2] 。 伴星系 NGC …
Massive Black Holes in Galaxies NGC 3377, NGC 3379 and NGC …
1997年1月13日 · The three galaxies above are believed to contain central, supermassive black holes. The galaxy NGC 4486B (lower-left) shows a double nucleus (lower-right). The images …
Massive Black Holes Dwell in Most Galaxies, According to Hubble …
1997年1月13日 · Two of the black holes "weigh in" at 50 million and 100 million solar masses in the cores of galaxies NGC 3379 (also known as M105) and NGC 3377 respectively. These …
NGC 3377 Galaxy Facts (UGC 5899) & Distance - Universe Guide
NGC 3377 is a Elliptical Galaxy located in the constellation of Leo in the northern hemisphere. NGC 3377's distance from Earth is 36,392,528.62 light years. NGC 3377 is called NGC 3377 …
NGC 3377(銀河・しし座) - orio.blog
2016年4月19日 · 画面中央の明るい楕円銀河がNGC3377, すぐ右上の淡い銀河は伴星雲のNGC3377A, 画面右下棒渦状銀河がNGC3367です。 NGC3377 *クリック拡大. NGC3367 * …
NGC 3377 | galaxy in Leo | New General Catalogue
< NGC List NGC 3377. NGC 3377 is a elliptical galaxy located in the constellation of Leo. The NGC is a catalog of 7,840 nebulae, star clusters, and galaxies. Here are the key stats on NGC …
NGC 3377 - 百度百科
NGC 3377的 赤经 为 1047.7, 赤纬 为 13° 59′,大小 4.4′。 NGC 3377是位于狮子座的一个星系。
NGC3377 (Galaxy) - In-The-Sky.org
From Virginia Beach , NGC3377 is visible in the morning sky, becoming accessible around 21:56, when it reaches an altitude of 21° above your eastern horizon. It will then reach its highest …