NGC 3621 - Wikipedia
NGC 3621 is a Disk spiral galaxy about 22 Mly (6.7 Mpc) away [2] [5] in the equatorial constellation of Hydra. It was discovered by German-British astronomer William Herschel on 17 February 1790. [6] NGC 3621 is comparatively bright and can be well seen in …
NGC 3621 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
NGC 3621 是一個 螺旋星系,位於 長蛇座,距離 地球 約2,200萬 光年 (6.7 Mpc) [4][6],也是一個 場星系。 該 星系 相對明亮,在中等尺寸的 望遠鏡 中可以清楚地看到。 該星系的直徑約 …
NGC 3621 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 - zh.wikipedia.org
NGC 3621是一个螺旋星系,位于长蛇座,距离地球约2,200万光年(6.7 Mpc) [4] [6] ,也是一个场星系。 该 星系 相对明亮,在中等尺寸的 望远镜 中可以清楚地看到。
Galaxy NGC 3621 | Deep⋆Sky Corner
2024年11月30日 · The Galaxy NGC 3621 was discovered by William Herschel on 17 February 1790 using his 18.7-inch reflecting telescope in Slough, England. He listed it as I 241 and noted: «Considerably bright, extended 70° north preceding, south following, very gradually brighter in the middle, 7' long, 4' broad within a parallelogram.»
A galaxy full of surprises — NGC 3621 is bulgeless but has three ...
2011年11月28日 · This image, from ESO’s Very Large Telescope (VLT), shows a truly remarkable galaxy known as NGC 3621. To begin with, it is a pure-disc galaxy. Like other spirals, it has a flat disc permeated by dark lanes of material and with prominent spiral arms where young stars are forming in clusters (the blue dots seen in the image).
APOD: 2009 September 19 - NGC 3621: Far Beyond the Local Group
2012年9月19日 · This beautiful image of NGC 3621 traces the loose spiral arms far from the galaxy's brighter central regions that span some 100,000 light-years. Spiky foreground stars in our own Milky Way Galaxy and even more distant background galaxies are scattered across the colorful skyscape.
NGC 3621: A Tattered Galaxy (Alex Woronow) - AstroBin
NGC 3621 shows the consequences of at least one such "recent" event. A flattened central bulge surrounded by an active central disk and asymmetric spiral arms attest to its history. Very recently, JWT released an image of two spiral galaxies in full collision: https://webbtelescope.org/contents/news-releases/2023/news-2023-116.html#section-id-2 .
NGC 3621 (Jochen Maes) - AstroBin
NGC 3621 is a spiral galaxy in the Hydra constellation, around 22 million light years from earth. This galaxy is a so-called “pure-disk” galaxy. Many galaxies have a “bulge” at their center. Very simply put, their central region is populated by a very tight density of stars which shows as a bulging glow when viewed from our vantage point.
Hubble View of a Special Spiral Galaxy - NASA Science
2023年4月17日 · The image, captured by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, shows part of NGC 3621, an unusual spiral galaxy located over 20 million light-years away in the constellation of Hydra (The Water Snake). The small, bright nucleus on the right of the image does not have the significant bulge of older stars that is common in spiral galaxies, marking ...
NGC 3621 (jprejean) - AstroBin
2023年1月14日 · NGC 3621 is a field spiral galaxy about 22 Mly (6.7 Mpc) away in the equatorial constellation of Hydra. It is comparatively bright and can be well seen in moderate-sized telescopes. The galaxy is around 93,000 ly across and is inclined at an angle of 25° from being viewed edge on. It shines with a luminosity equal to 13 billion times that of ...