NGC 4125 - Wikipedia
NGC 4125 is an elliptical galaxy in the constellation Draco. It was discovered on 4 January 1850 by English astronomer John Russell Hind. [3] On 28 May 2016, the telescope KAIT discovered …
NGC 4125 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
本页面最后修订于2020年9月26日 (星期六) 08:28。 本站的全部文字在知识共享 署名-相同方式共享 4.0协议之条款下提供,附加条款亦可能应用。 (请参阅使用条款) Wikipedia®和维基百 …
NGC 4125 - Elliptical Galaxy in Draco | TheSkyLive.com
NGC 4125 is a Elliptical Galaxy in the Draco constellation. NGC 4125 is situated close to the northern celestial pole and, as such, it is visible for most part of the year from the northern …
The sky's best elliptical galaxies - Astronomy Magazine
2020年4月9日 · For our next elliptical, magnitude 9.7 NGC 4125, head north from Leo to Draco. NGC 4125 forms an equilateral triangle (extending northward) with the top stars in the bowl of …
Cold dust but warm gas in the unusual elliptical galaxy NGC 4125
2013年9月24日 · Data from the Herschel Space Observatory have revealed an unusual elliptical galaxy, NGC 4125, which has strong and extended submillimeter emission from cold dust but …
NGC 4125 Galaxy (UGC 7118) Facts & Distance - Universe Guide
NGC 4125 is a Spiral Galaxy located in the constellation of Draco in the northern hemisphere. NGC 4125's distance from Earth is 74,229,930.00 light years. NGC 4125 is called NGC 4125 …
NGC4125 (Galaxy) - In-The-Sky.org
From Redmond , NGC4125 is visible all night because it is circumpolar. It will be highest in the sky at 01:46, 72° above your northern horizon. At dusk, it will become visible at around 19:02 …
NGC 4125 - u-strasbg.fr
2025年2月7日 · Data at NED - NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database : NGC 4125. Link by name to the catalogue in VizieR:
SN 2016coj in NGC 4125 | aavso
Bright supernova in NGC 4125 well placed for northern observers. Discovered 5/28/2016 at about magnitude 15.5, but now significantly brighter. Info here: …
SN2016coj in NGC 4125 - Scientific Amateur Astronomy - Cloudy Nights
SN2016coj in NGC 4125 - posted in Scientific Amateur Astronomy: Have you seen this? I think its a very interesting supernova, with magnitude 14.2 now (some days ago it was 14.8), and it …