Messier 100 - Wikipedia
Messier 100 (also known as NGC 4321 or the Mirror Galaxy) is a grand design intermediate spiral galaxy in the southern part of the mildly northern Coma Berenices. [5] It is one of the brightest and largest galaxies in the Virgo Cluster and is approximately 55 million light-years [3] from our galaxy, about 166,000 light-years in diameter.
NGC 4321 - ESA/Webb
2024年1月29日 · NGC 4321 is 56 million light-years away in the constellation Coma Berenices. Learn more about what can be seen in this vast collection of Webb images here. [Image description: Webb’s image of NGC 4321 shows a face-on spiral galaxy anchored by its central region, which is located at far right, midway down, slightly cut off at far right. Darker ...
Webb and Hubble's Views of Spiral Galaxy NGC 4321
2024年1月29日 · Webb’s image of NGC 4321 shows a face-on spiral galaxy anchored by its central region, which is located at far right, midway down, slightly cut off at far right. It is shaped like a smashed circle, with a bright white point at the center, a blue circle around that, ending in a bright, thick yellow-and-orange outer ring.
NGC 4321 (UGC 7450) Facts & Distance - Universe Guide
NGC 4321 is an Active Galactic Nuclei/Nucleus located in the constellation of Coma Berenices in the northern hemisphere. NGC 4321's distance from Earth is 52,912,349.15 light years. NGC 4321 is called NGC 4321 in the New General Catalogue (NGC).
M100(也称为 NGC 4321 、 梅西耶100 、 梅西耶M100)是一个位于 后发座 的 螺旋星系,为 室女座星系团 最明亮的星系之一。 它由 皮埃尔·梅香 (Pierre Méchain)于1781年所发现,距离地球大约有5250万光年远。 在M100内已经有6个 超新星 被确认出来,分别为SN 1901B、 SN 1914A 、 SN 1959E 、 SN 1979C 、 SN 2006X 与SN 2019ehk。 后发座的旋涡星系M100 (NGC4321),其外貌与M99极相似。 它的赤道坐标为:赤经12时22.9分,赤纬15°49′;视星等9.3,面亮 …
M100: 宏伟的螺旋星系 | NASA中文
2023年4月8日 · One of the brightest members of the Virgo Cluster of galaxies, M100 (alias NGC 4321) is 56 million light-years distant toward the constellation of Berenice’s Hair (Coma Berenices). This Hubble Space Telescope image of M100 was taken with the Wide Field Camera 3 and accentuates bright blue star clusters and intricate winding dust lanes which ...
A Comprehensive Analysis on the Nature of the Spiral Arms in NGC …
1 天前 · In this study, we analyzed measurements of the corotation radius obtained using several methods for three galaxies (NGC 3686, NGC 4321, and NGC 2403) that exhibit different morphologies of spiral structures. We also performed independent measurements to estimate the location of the resonance, which allowed us to determine whether each galaxy ...
M100 / NGC 4321 - ESO
2002年3月13日 · Messier 100, also known as NGC 4321, is one of the largest and brightest spiral galaxies in the sky, located at about 50 million light-years from us. A composite VRI image obtained on March 3, 2002. The individual exposures lasted 180 seconds, image quality 0.7 arcsec FWHM; field 7 x 7 arcmin 2; North is up and East is left. Credit:
M100 - Marmot Observatory
Messier 100, also known as NGC 4321, is a grand design spiral galaxy located in the constellation Coma Berenices. Discovered by Pierre Méchain in 1781 and later cataloged by Charles Messier, it is situated approximately 55 million light-years away from Earth.
NGC4321 - Max Planck Society
The galaxy NGC 4321 (M100) belongs to the Hubble class SAB (s)bc. Its disk is inclined by 30° with respect to the sky plane. This galaxy has a distance median value of 16 Mpc. Total Intensity at 6.2 cm (4.85 GHz), Effelsberg, Resolution 150", Weżgowiec et al. 2012.