NGC 4361 - Wikipedia
NGC 4361 (also known as the Lawn Sprinkler Nebula [4] or Garden Sprinkler Nebula) is a planetary nebula in the Corvus constellation. [3] [1] [2] It is included in the Astronomical League's Herschel 400 Observing Program.
Planetary Nebula NGC 4361 - Deep⋆Sky Corner
This planetary nebula was discovered on 7 February 1785 by the famous German-British astronomer William Herschel using his selfmade reflecting telescope of 20 foot focal length (aperture 18.7 inch) in Slough near Windsor in Great Britain.
NGC 4361: A planetary nebula to crow about – Astronomy Now
2024年4月22日 · Amidst the myriad spring galaxies lies NGC 4361, a large and bright planetary nebula located in the southern constellation of Corvus, the Crow. Locating it means dipping low towards the murkier skies close to the horizon, but it’s …
Cosmic Challenge: NGC 4361 - Phil Harrington's Cosmic Challenge
2024年4月3日 · Planetary nebula NGC 4361 is almost perfectly centered within Corvus's trapezoidal body. NGC 4361 was discovered by the German-British astronomer William Herschel on February 24, 1785. To find this month's challenge, look about 1° south-southwest of Algorab [Delta (δ) Corvi] for a pair of 7th-magnitude suns.
NGC 4361 - Planetary Nebula in Corvus | TheSkyLive.com
NGC 4361 is a Planetary Nebula in the Corvus constellation. NGC 4361 is situated close to the celestial equator and, as such, it is at least partly visible from both hemispheres in certain times of the year.
NGC 4361 NebulaFacts - Universe Guide
NGC 4361 (NGC4361) is a planetary nebula that has a distance from Earth of light years. It can be found in the constellation of Corvus.
NGC 4361 - Experienced Deep Sky Imaging - Cloudy Nights
NGC 4361 (ESO 573-19, PK 294+43 1, PN G294.1+43.6 and others) is a large planetary nebula located approximately 3,400 light-years away in Corvus. The central star is a Wolf-Rayet approximately 18,000 times brighter than our sun.
NGC 4361 - Planetary Nebula (Eddie Bagwell) - AstroBin
NGC 4361 is a dying star that was once a lot like our sun, before it evolved and puffed out its outer layers. The object is unusual in that is has four lobes, or jets, of ejected material instead of the standard two.
Discover NGC 4361: A Stunning Planetary Nebula - meteorpad.com
2024年12月13日 · In the southern constellation of Corvus, the Crow, lies a gem called NGC 4361. It’s a stunning planetary nebula that draws in both stargazers and scientists. This object, almost 2 arcminutes wide in the sky, shows the universe’s beauty and complexity.
Planetary Nebula NGC 4361 in Corvus - Kopernik Observatory
2001年4月27日 · This CCD image of Planetary Nebula NGC 4361 was taken with a ST-6 CCD camera thru Kopernik’s 20 inch F/8 telescope. The exposure was 10 minutes. The field of view is approximately 5x7 arc minutes, with north at top.
The optical line and continuum emission in the very-high-ionisation Galactic PN, NGC 4361, were mapped to study the distri-bution of ionisation, extinction, electron temperature, and density. Methods. Based on commissioning data, MUSE Wide Field (60×60′′) normal-mode (4750–9300Å) observations of NGC 4361 were reduced.
NGC 4361 Planetary Nebula - AstroBin
NGC 4361 is a planetary nebula located about 3000 light-years distant. It has four lobes instead of the more typical 2 lobes. Astronomers speculate that this is the result of two close orbiting cent...
Planetary Nebula NGC 4361 - Starscape Imaging
2021年6月21日 · NGC 4361 is a planetary nebula in the southern constellation Corvus which shines at estimates of magnitude 10.4-10.9 and is thought to be around 4 thousand light years distant. The central star, which has shed much of its gas was once thought to be a sun like star.
NGC 4361 Planetary Nebula - Hottest Wolf–Rayet star - RGB
NGC 4361 is a planetary nebula in the constellation of Corvus. It is included in the Astronomical League's Herschel 400 Observing Program. NGC 4361's central star is an extremely hot [WC] star. Its temperature is at 270,000 K, hotter than every Wolf–Rayet star known. It is nearly 18,000 times brighter than the sun, but is only 6.1% its size.
Planetary Nebula NGC 4361 - spitzer.caltech.edu
This infrared picture shows a dying star called NGC 4361. This star was once a lot like our sun, before it evolved and puffed out its outer layers. The object, called a planetary nebula, is unusual in that is has four lobes, or jets, of ejected material instead of the standard two.
NGC 4361 Planetary Nebula - Skyhound
NGC 4361 Planetary Nebula This is a great little planetary nebula that lies off the beaten path in Corvus. NGC 4361 is also known as PK 294+43.1, and is listed as a 10.3 magnitude patch 45" in diameter, although it appears in the eyepiece to be at least twice this size.
Dissecting the planetary nebula NGC 4361 with MUSE
2024年10月11日 · NGC 4361 (PN G294.1 +43.6) is one of the rare planetary nebulae (PNe) with He II 4686 Å emission stronger than H β and its nebula ionisation class, defined by He II/ H β (Dopita & Meatheringham 1990), exceeds 10 (the maximum value).
NGC 4361 - AstroBin
This object is a planetary nebula located almost 4000 light years away in the constellation of Corvus. Although its size is small at less than 2 minutes in diameter, it is large for a planetary nebul...
Featured Deep-Sky Object - NGC 4361 - Insight Observatory
2018年5月12日 · The above is a zoomed-in and cropped image of planetary nebula NGC 4361 that was taken and processed by Muir on the evening of May 11th. One of the benefits of having a sky coverage of 1.36 x 1.36 degrees with this remote robotic telescope is being able to display objects with the full CCD image size of 4096 x 4096 pixels as well as being able ...
NGC 4361 (Gary Imm) - AstroBin
Although its size is small at less than 2 minutes in diameter, it is large for a planetary nebula. This unusual planetary nebula resembles the shape of a small spiral galaxy more than that of a typical planetary nebula.