NGC 4651 - Wikipedia
NGC 4651 is a spiral galaxy located in the constellation of Coma Berenices that can be seen with amateur telescopes, at a distance not well determined that ranges from 35 million light years [2] to 72 million light years. [3] . It was discovered by German-British astronomer William Herschel on 30 December 1783. [4]
NGC 4651 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
雨傘星系(ngc 4651)是一個位於后髮座的螺旋星系,可被業餘天文學家以望遠鏡觀測,和地球的距離尚未確定,大約在3500萬光年 [2] ,到7200萬光年之間 [3] 。
哈勃望远镜拍摄了一个食人族星系 | NASA中文
2020年4月5日 · This remarkable spiral galaxy, known as NGC 4651, may look serene and peaceful as it swirls in the vast, silent emptiness of space, but don’t be fooled — it keeps a violent secret. It is believed that this galaxy consumed another smaller galaxy to become the large and beautiful spiral that we observe today.
Hubble Captures a Cannibal Galaxy - NASA Science
2020年4月3日 · This remarkable spiral galaxy, known as NGC 4651, may look serene and peaceful as it swirls in the vast, silent emptiness of space, but don’t be fooled — it keeps a violent secret. It is believed that this galaxy consumed another smaller galaxy to become the large and beautiful spiral that we observe today.
NGC 4651 - 百度百科
NGC4651是一个位于 后发座 的 螺旋星系,可被业余天文学家以望远镜观测,和地球的距离尚未确定,大约在3500万光年,到7200万光年之间。 NGC 4651是 室女座星系团 成员,位于该星系团外缘,因为该星系有一个从盘面向东延伸的由多条星流组成的和雨伞相似的结构,因此又被称为“雨伞星系”。 这是另一个比NGC 4651小得多的星系被 潮汐力 撕裂 后的残余,所以它被编入赫尔顿·阿普的特殊星系图集,编号是阿普189(Arp 189)。 天文学家使用 射电望远镜 观测NGC 4651 …
NGC 4651:雨伞星系 | NASA中文
2022年2月7日 · What appears to be a giant cosmic umbrella is now known to be a tidal stream of stars stripped from a small satellite galaxy. The main galaxy, spiral galaxy NGC 4651, is about the size of our Milky Way, while its stellar parasol appears to extend some 100 thousand light-years above this galaxy’s bright disk.
NGC 4651 - Wikiwand
雨伞星系(ngc 4651)是一个位于后发座的螺旋星系,可被业馀天文学家以望远镜观测,和地球的距离尚未确定,大约在3500万光年 [2] ,到7200万光年之间 [3] 。
NGC 4651 - The Umbrella Galaxy - AstroBin
NGC 4651 (The Umbrella Galaxy, also Arp 189) is a spiral galaxy some 62 million light years away in Coma Berenices. About the size of the Milky Way, it has a faint umbrella-shaped structure that exte...
APOD: 2014 July 2 - NGC 4651: The Umbrella Galaxy
2014年7月2日 · Explanation: Spiral galaxy NGC 4651 is a mere 62 million light-years distant, toward the well-groomed northern constellation Coma Berenices. About the size of our Milky Way, this island universe is seen to have a faint umbrella-shaped structure that seems to extend (left) some 100 thousand light-years beyond the bright galactic disk.
Umbrella Galaxy NGC 4651 | NAOJ: National ... - 国立天文台(NAOJ)
2018年3月6日 · The spiral galaxy NGC 4651 is located approximately 62 million light-years away in the direction of the constellation Comae Berenices, and has spiral arms that closely resemble those of the Milky Way Galaxy. It is difficult to capture a galaxy whose brightness is about 11 magnitude with a small caliber telescope.