Jewel Box (star cluster) - Wikipedia
The Jewel Box (also known as the Kappa Crucis cluster, NGC 4755, or Caldwell 94) is an open cluster in the constellation Crux, originally discovered by Nicolas Louis de Lacaille in …
Jewel Box Cluster (NGC 4755) - Constellation Guide
2015年7月31日 · The Jewel Box Cluster, also known as the Kappa Crucis Cluster, is an open star cluster located in the southern constellation Crux. The cluster has an apparent magnitude of …
珠宝盒星团 - 百度百科
珠宝盒星团,又被称为 NGC 4755 、南十字座κ星团或者科德韦尔94(Caldwell 94、C 94),是位于 南十字座 的一个 疏散星团。 肉眼观看时,珠宝盒星团好像只是一颗恒星,位于南十字座第 …
NGC 4755 - Jewel Box - Open Cluster | freestarcharts.com
NGC 4755, also known as the Jewel Box or Kappa Crucis Cluster, is one of the finest open clusters in the sky. It's located in the small southern constellation of Crux and at magnitude …
APOD: 2010 August 17 - NGC 4755: A Jewel Box of Stars
Each day a different image or photograph of our fascinating universe is featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. Explanation: The great variety of star colors …
宝盒星团 - 百度百科
宝盒星团,即NGC 4755,也是南十字座κ星团(Kappa Crucis Cluster)的别称。 而宝盒星团这个名称是英国天文学家约翰·赫歇尔赋予的。
NGC 4755 - The Jewel Box Cluster - Sky & Telescope
The Jewel Box (NGC 4755) is an open cluster in the constellation Crux, which includes the Southern Cross, and originally discovered by Nicolas Louis de Lacaille in 1751–1752. This …
Journey to NGC 4755: The 'Jewel Box' Star Cluster | Hubble
2024年10月20日 · The initial view in this zoom shows the rich star field where NGC 4755 nestles and then moves in to the detailed Hubble image of the Kappa Crucis Cluster, or Jewel Box, …
NGC 4755 (Caldwell 94) or Jewel Box - astropixels.com
NGC 4755 or Caldwell 94 (also known as the Jewel Box) is an open cluster in the constellation Crux. It has an apparent visual magnitude of 4.2 and its angular diameter is 10 arc-minutes. …
NGC 4755 (Jewel Box, Kappa Crucis Cluster, Caldwell 94)
NGC 4755 or Caldwell 94 (also known as the Jewel Box, or the Kappa Crucis Cluster) is an in the constellation . It has an apparent visual magnitude of 4.2 and its angular diameter is 10 arc …