NGC 4809 - Irregular Galaxy in Virgo - TheSkyLive.com
NGC 4809 is a Irregular Galaxy in the Virgo constellation. NGC 4809 is situated close to the celestial equator and, as such, it is at least partly visible from both hemispheres in certain times of the year. Given its B magnitude of 14.2, NGC 4809 is visible with the help of a telescope having an aperture of 14 inches (350mm) or more.
Title: Detection of metal enrichment by SN 2011jm in NGC 4809
2024年1月29日 · In this paper, we present the clear evidence of metal enrichment by a type Ic SN 2011jm in the galaxy NGC 4809, utilizing high spatial resolution Integral Field Units (IFU) observations obtained from the Very Large Telescope …
this study, we explored the ionized gas-phase metallicity surrounding the type Ic SN 2011jm within the merging dwarf galaxy NGC 4809, utilizing VLT/MUSE IFU dat
NGC 4809 - simbad.u-strasbg.fr
2024年11月21日 · The identification of NGC 4809 and NGC 4810 is not clear because they both have the same position in the NGC. Annotations : description Best practices here
NGC4809 Position & Viewing Details – Find NGC4809 in the Sky …
Learn about NGC4809 rise and set times, its path across the sky, and the best time for viewing.
NGC/IC Project Restoration Efforts
NGC 4809 is the larger member of an interacting pair with NGC 4810 just 0.8' S. 18" (3/30/05): very faint, very small, slightly elongated. This galaxy is nearly attached to the north side of NGC 4810.
南京大学最新研究:SN 2011jm探测NGC 4809中的金属富集
2024年3月2日 · 最近,天文学家们在研究银河系NGC 4809中的一颗超新星SN 2011jm时,发现了明显的金属污染。 尽管SN 2011jm周围的星际介质相对贫乏(约为太阳金属含量的0.25倍),但是研究人员们在这个区域内清晰地探测到了富含氧元素(约为太阳金属含量的0.35倍)以及一个显著 ...
2023年12月8日 · In this study, we explored the ionized gas-phase metallicity surrounding the Type Ic SN 2011jm within the merging dwarf galaxy NGC 4809, utilizing VLTMUSE IFU data.
Detection of Metal Enrichment by SN 2011jm in NGC 4809
In this paper, we present the clear evidence of metal enrichment by a Type Ic SN 2011jm in the galaxy NGC 4809, utilizing high spatial resolution integral field unit observations obtained from the Very Large Telescope/Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer.
NGC 4809 中 SN 2011jm 检测金属富集 - X-MOL
2024年2月14日 · In this paper, we present the clear evidence of metal enrichment by a Type Ic SN 2011jm in the galaxy NGC 4809, utilizing high spatial resolution integral field unit observations obtained from the Very Large Telescope/Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer.