NGC 4935 - Spiral Galaxy in Virgo - TheSkyLive.com
NGC 4935 is a Spiral Galaxy in the Virgo constellation. NGC 4935 is situated close to the celestial equator and, as such, it is at least partly visible from both hemispheres in certain times of the …
NGC 4935 Galaxy (UGC 8159) Facts - Universe Guide
NGC 4935 is a Spiral Galaxy located in the constellation of Coma Berenices in the northern hemisphere. NGC 4935 is called NGC 4935 in the New General Catalogue (NGC).
NGC4935 (Galaxy) - In-The-Sky.org
From Virginia Beach , NGC4935 is visible in the morning sky, becoming accessible around 22:36, when it reaches an altitude of 21° above your eastern horizon. It will then reach its highest …
NGC 4935
This spiral galaxy is located in the constellation Coma Berenices. This image was taken as part of Advanced Observing Program (AOP) program at Kitt Peak Visitor Center during 2014.
NGC 4935 - Wikipedia
NGC 4935 (također poznat kao MCG 3-33-23, PGC 45093 i UGC 8159) je prečkasta spiralna galaksija koja je udaljena oko 295 miliona sg od Zemlje i nalazi se u sazviježđu Berenikina …
NGC 4935 - simbad.u-strasbg.fr
2022年12月31日 · The astronomical object called NGC 4935 is a Galaxy
NGC 4935 - NOIRLab
2014年4月3日 · This spiral galaxy is located in the constellation Coma Berenices. This image was taken as part of Advanced Observing Program (AOP) program at Kitt Peak Visitor Center …
DOCdb - NGC 4935
Sulentic & Tifft (1973) The RNGC (Sulentic and Tifft 1973) notes that this is a 14.0 mag galaxy. Their coded description reads SB,SBM,OVALBAR,WD DIF ARMS.
Revised NGC Data for NGC 4935 - spider.seds.org
Data from Wolfgang Steinicke 's Revised NGC and IC Catalog Object: NGC 4935 (*) Galaxy, type SBb, in Coma Berenicis Right Ascension (2000.0): 13:03:21.2 (h:m:s) Declination (2000.0): …
NGC 4935 - Wikidata
NGC 4935 - Wikidata ... galaxy