NGC 5102 - Wikipedia
NGC 5102, also known as Iota's Ghost, [6] is a lenticular galaxy in the Centaurus A/M83 Group of galaxies. It was discovered by John Herschel in 1835.
NGC 5102 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
NGC 5102 是 半人马座 A/M83星系团 中的一个 透镜星系。 它是由 约翰·赫歇尔 在1835年发现的。 至少使用了两种技术来测量到NGC 5102的距离。 表面亮度波动距离测量技术是根据螺旋星系的核球的粒状外观来估计与螺旋星系的距离的,使用该技术测量到NGC 5102的距离为13.0±0.8 百万 光年 (4.0±0.2百万 秒差距)。 [2] 但是,NGC 5102足够近,以至于可以使用 红巨星支尖 的方法来估计其距离,使用该技术测量到的NGC 5102的估计距离为11.1±1.3百万光年(3.40±0.39 百 …
NGC 5102 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - zh.wikipedia.org
NGC 5102 是 半人馬座 A/M83星系團 中的一個 透鏡星系。 它是由 約翰·赫歇爾 在1835年發現的。 至少使用了兩種技術來測量到NGC 5102的距離。 表面亮度波動距離測量技術是根據螺旋星系的核球的粒狀外觀來估計與螺旋星系的距離的,使用該技術測量到NGC 5102的距離為13.0±0.8 百萬 光年 (4.0±0.2百萬 秒差距)。 [2] 但是,NGC 5102足夠近,以至於可以使用 紅巨星支尖 的方法來估計其距離,使用該技術測量到的NGC 5102的估計距離為11.1±1.3百萬光年(3.40±0.39 百 …
NGC 5102 - Elliptical/Spiral Galaxy in Centaurus - TheSkyLive
NGC 5102 is a Elliptical/Spiral Galaxy in the Centaurus constellation. NGC 5102 is situated south of the celestial equator and, as such, it is more easily visible from the southern hemisphere. Given its visual magnitude of 9.65, NGC 5102 is visible with the help of a binocular with a 80mm aperture or a small telescope.
[1001.2236] The Recent Star Formation History of NGC 5102
2010年1月13日 · We present Hubble Space Telescope photometry of young stars in NGC 5102, a nearby gas-rich post-starburst S0 galaxy with a bright young stellar nucleus. We use the IAC-pop/MinnIAC algorithm to derive the recent star formation history in three fields in the bulge and disk of NGC 5102.
[1610.04516] Dominant dark matter and a counter rotating disc: …
2016年10月14日 · The kinematics and stellar populations of the low-mass nearby S0 galaxy NGC 5102 are studied from integral field spectra taken with the Multi-Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE). The kinematic maps reveal for the first time that NGC 5102 has the characteristic 2 sigma peaks indicative of galaxies with counter-rotating discs.
Star Formation in the S0 Galaxy NGC 5102 - Space Telescope …
NGC 5102 is a gas-rich S0 galaxy, where recent star formation has been inferred in the inner bulge from abnormally blue color (van den Bergh 1976, Pritchet 1979) and the ultraviolet spectral energy distribution (Rocca-Volmerange & Guiderdoni 1987, Burstein et …
The Recent Star Formation History of NGC 5102 - ResearchGate
2010年2月2日 · We present Hubble Space Telescope photometry of young stars in NGC 5102, a nearby gas-rich post-starburst S0 galaxy with a bright young stellar nucleus. We use the IAC-pop/MinnIAC algorithm to...
NGC 5102 GalaxyFacts & Distance - Universe Guide
NGC 5102 is a Spiral Galaxy located in the constellation of Centaurus in the southern hemisphere. NGC 5102's distance from Earth is 39,112,672.81 light years. NGC 5102 is called NGC 5102 in the New General Catalogue (NGC).
We present Hubble Space Telescope photometry of young stars in NGC 5102, a nearby gas-rich post-starburst S0 galaxy with a bright young stellar nucleus. We use the IAC-pop / MinnIAC algorithm to derive the recent star