NGC 536 - Wikipedia
NGC 536 is a barred spiral galaxy located in the constellation Andromeda. It is located at a distance of circa 200 million light-years from Earth, which, given its apparent dimensions, means that NGC 536 is about 180,000 light years across. [1] It was discovered by William Herschel on September 13, 1784. [2]
NGC 536 - Spiral Galaxy in Andromeda | TheSkyLive.com
NGC 536 is a Spiral Galaxy in the Andromeda constellation. NGC 536 is situated north of the celestial equator and, as such, it is more easily visible from the northern hemisphere. Given its B magnitude of 13.2, NGC 536 is visible with the help of a telescope having an aperture of 10 inches (250mm) or more.
NGC 536 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
NGC 536 是仙女座的一個漩渦星系,被稱為Hickson-10的組的一部分。 维基共享资源上的相關多媒體資源:NGC 536. NED – NGC 536; SEDS – NGC 536; SIMBAD – NGC 536; VizieR – NGC 536
NGC 536: Hickson 10 | NOIRLab
2014年2月25日 · NGC 536: Hickson 10 This group of four galaxies is around 220 million light years away. The collection of spiral galaxies on the left side of the image include: (from top to bottom) NGC 542, NGC 536 and NGC 531.
NGC 529, NGC 531, NGC 536,NGC 542(HCG 10・アンドロメダ …
2025年1月12日 · ngc 531とngc 536は、重力干渉を起こしている銀河ペアでしょう。 NGC 536はリング構造から不鮮明な腕が伸びていますがこれは、NGC 531との重力干渉によるものでありNGC 531も不自然で非対称な腕を持っています。
NGC 536 Facts (NGC 536) & Distance - Universe Guide
2023年12月12日 · NGC 536 is an Active Galactic Nuclei/Nucleus located in the constellation of Andromeda in the northern hemisphere. NGC 536's distance from Earth is 197,944,305.62 light years. NGC 536 is called NGC 536 in the New General Catalogue (NGC).
Hickson 10 - Experienced Deep Sky Imaging - Cloudy Nights
2021年9月26日 · NGC 536 (UGC 1013, PGC 5344, HCG 10a and others) is the AGN spiral at the center of the image. It is located approximately 210.6 million light-years away in Andromeda. NGC 531 (UGC 1012, PGC 5340, HCG 10c and others) is the odd spiral above NGC 536 located at a similar distance.
NGC 536 - Wikiwand
NGC 536 is a barred spiral galaxy located in the constellation Andromeda. It is located at a distance of circa 200 million light-years from Earth, which, given its apparent dimensions, means that NGC 536 is about 180,000 light years across. [1] It was discovered by William Herschel on September 13, 1784. [2]
NGC 536 - Wikiwand
NGC 536 is a barred spiral galaxy located in the constellation Andromeda. It is located at a distance of circa 200 million light-years from Earth, which, given its apparent dimensions, means that NGC 536 is about 180,000 light years across.
Galaxy NGC 536 - Barred Spiral Galaxy in Andromeda Constellation
Pictures, altitude charts, data sheet and sky map for NGC 536 - Galaxy in Andromeda Constellation