NGC 5363 - Wikipedia
NGC 5363 is a lenticular galaxy located in the constellation Virgo. It is located at a distance of circa 65 million light years from Earth, which, given its apparent dimensions, means that NGC 5363 is about 100,000 light years across.
NGC 5363 - Lenticular Galaxy in Virgo | TheSkyLive.com
NGC 5363 is a Lenticular Galaxy in the Virgo constellation. NGC 5363 is situated close to the celestial equator and, as such, it is at least partly visible from both hemispheres in certain times of the year.
NGC 5363 Galaxy (UGC 8847) Facts & Distance - Universe Guide
NGC 5363 is a Elliptical Galaxy located in the constellation of Virgo in the equatorial region. NGC 5363's distance from Earth is 63,600,493.65 light years. NGC 5363 is called NGC 5363 in the New General Catalogue (NGC).
NGC 5364 & NGC 5363 Galaxy Group (Kurt Zeppetello) - AstroBin
2023年7月1日 · The other major galaxy in this image is the lenticular galaxy NGC 5363. It has a well developed bulge and a diffuse galactic disk. It is approximately 57 million LY away and about 5 million LY distant from NGC 5364, so there is probably no tidal interaction between the two.
NGC 5363, NGC 5364, two titans of the NGC 5363 galaxy group
The NGC 5363 galaxy group contains 6 galaxies that are part of the larger Virgo III galaxy cluster. The two major components are shown in this image (NGC 5363 and NGC 5364). The face-on grand design spiral is NGC 5364.
NGC 5363, NGC 5364, NGC 5356, NGC 5360 and PGC 049602 …
NGC 5363 is an intriguing galaxy either S0p or E-type showing an inner dust lane along the minor axis and an outer dust lane along the major axis. NGC 5363 is at a distance of 16.6 Mpc (54.1 Mly) from Earth (Karachentsev et al. 2014).
NGC 5364 (NGC 5317) and NGC 5363 Galaxy Group,Virgo, Annotated
2021年7月9日 · The most likely cause is the nearby lenticular galaxy NGC 5360, although some sources suggest that the more distant NGC 5363 also shows evidence of gravitational interaction. Based on its redshift and apparent size and magnitude, NGC 5364 is about 57.4 million light years distant, and receding at 1,239 km/s due to the expansion of the Universe.
NGC-5363 Galaxy Group | Land Of Oz
The NGC-5363 Galaxy group is located in the constellation of Virgo. The brightest member, NGC-5363, is a lenticular galaxy lying at a distance of over 65 million light years from Earth. It is over 100,000 light years in diameter, and shines at a visual magnitude of 10.5.
NGC 5364 (NGC 5317) and NGC 5363 Galaxy Group,Virgo
2021年7月9日 · Based on measurable properties (redshift, apparent magnitude, and angular size), NGC 5363 is about 90,000 LY in diameter, and one third as bright as the Milky Way (much of its visible light is extincted by the dust). It lies at a distance of 57 million LY, receding at 1,129 km/s due to the expansion of the Universe.
NGC 5363 - phys.ttu.edu
NGC 5363 is a large and bright elliptical galaxy in Virgo, and it is an outlying member of the Virgo cluster of galaxies. Easily visible in an 8" telescope as a bright featureless haze, NGC 5363 makes a fine pair with NGC 5364 .