NGC 5889 - Spiral Galaxy in Boötes | TheSkyLive.com
NGC 5889 is a Spiral Galaxy in the Boötes constellation. NGC 5889 is situated north of the celestial equator and, as such, it is more easily visible from the northern hemisphere. Given its B magnitude of 16.01, NGC 5889 is visible only through long exposure photography.
New General Catalog Objects: NGC 5850 - 5899 - cseligman.com
2020年5月11日 · Historical Identification: Per Dreyer, NGC 5889 (= GC 4070, 3rd Lord Rosse, 1860 RA 15 08 20±, NPD 48 08.5) is "most extremely faint, gradually a little brighter middle". Discovery Notes : Although Dreyer credits the discovery to William Parsons , 3rd Earl of Rosse, he notes that many of Rosse's nebular discoveries were actually made by one of ...
NGC 5889 Galaxy Facts - Universe Guide
2022年7月2日 · NGC 5889 (NGC5889) is a radio galaxy that is light years away from Earth in the constellation of Boötes.
NGC5889 - simbad.u-strasbg.fr
2022年1月14日 · NGC 5889 -- Radio Galaxy The astronomical object called NGC 5889 is a Radio Galaxy: Origin of the objects types : (Ref) Object type as listed in the reference "Ref" (acronym) Object type linked to the acronym according to the original reference Anterior to 2007, before we can link the objet type to a reference, or given by the CDS team in some ...
NGC 5889 - Wikipedia
NGC 5889 este o galaxie spirală situată în constelația Boarul. [3] [4] [5] A fost descoperită în 25 aprilie 1851 de către William Parsons, 3rd Earl of Rosse (d). [6]
Revised NGC Data for NGC 5889 - spider.seds.org
Revised NGC Data for NGC 5889 Data from Wolfgang Steinicke's Revised NGC and IC Catalog. Object: NGC 5889 (*) Galaxy, type SBb, in Bootes Right Ascension (2000.0): 15:13:15.7 …
Category : NGC 5889 - Wikimedia
Media in category "NGC 5889" The following 2 files are in this category, out of 2 total.
NGC 5889 – Wikipedia
NGC 5889 ist eine Balken-Spiralgalaxie vom Hubble-Typ SBb im Sternbild Bärenhüter am Nordsternhimmel. Sie ist schätzungsweise 582 Millionen Lichtjahre von der Milchstraße entfernt und hat einen Durchmesser von etwa 155.000 Lichtjahren. Im selben Himmelsareal befinden sich unter anderem die Galaxien NGC 5886, NGC 5888, PGC 2178034, PGC ...
NGC 5889 - Wikidata
Language Label Description Also known as; English: NGC 5889. galaxy
NGC 5889 — Vikipediya
NGC 5889 - Yeni Ümumi Kataloqda qeydə alınmış qalaktika. Göy üzündə Çoban bürcü istiqamətində yerləşir. SBb tipli qalaktikadır. Vilyam Parsons tərəfindən 1851-ci ildə 182.88 sm …