NGC 6090 - Wikipedia
NGC 6090 is a merging pair of spiral galaxies, 400 million light-years from the Earth, in the constellation of Draco. The cores of the two galaxies are around 10,000 light-years apart from each other, meaning that the merger is likely at its intermediate stage.
Hubble Interacting Galaxy NGC 6090 - NASA Science
2008年4月24日 · NGC 6090 is a beautiful pair of spiral galaxies with an overlapping central region and two long tidal tails formed from material ripped out of the galaxies by gravitational interaction. The two visible cores are approximately 10,000 light-years apart, suggesting that the two...
NGC 6090 - a Pair of Spiral Galaxies - NASA Jet Propulsion …
2008年4月24日 · NGC 6090 is a beautiful pair of spiral galaxies with an overlapping central region and two long tidal tails formed from material ripped out of the galaxies by gravitational interaction. The two visible cores are approximately 10,000 light-years apart, suggesting that the two galaxies are at an intermediate stage in the merging process.
Hubble Interacting Galaxy NGC 6090 | HubbleSite
NGC 6090 is a beautiful pair of spiral galaxies with an overlapping central region and two long tidal tails formed from material ripped out of the galaxies by gravitational interaction. The two visible cores are approximately 10,000 light-years apart, suggesting that the two galaxies are at an intermediate stage in the merging process.
NGC 6090 | ESA/Hubble - www.spacetelescope.org
2008年4月24日 · NGC 6090 is a beautiful pair of spiral galaxies with an overlapping central region and two long tidal tails formed from material ripped out of the galaxies by gravitational interaction. The two visible cores are approximately 10,000 light-years apart, suggesting that the two galaxies are at an intermediate stage in the merging process.
Catalog Page for PIA10392 - NASA
NGC 6090 is a beautiful pair of spiral galaxies with an overlapping central region and two long tidal tails formed from material ripped out of the galaxies by gravitational interaction. The two visible cores are approximately 10,000 light-years apart, suggesting that the two galaxies are at an intermediate stage in the merging process.
ESA Science & Technology - NGC 6090
NGC 6090 is a beautiful pair of spiral galaxies with an overlapping central region and two long tidal tails formed from material ripped out of the galaxies by gravitational interaction. The two visible cores are approximately 10 000 light-years apart, suggesting that the two galaxies are at an intermediate stage in the merging process.
NGC 6090 GalaxyFacts, Distance & Picture - Universe Guide
NGC 6090 is an Interacting Galaxy/ies located in the constellation of Draco in the northern hemisphere. NGC 6090's distance from Earth is 400,000,000.00 light years. NGC 6090 is called NGC 6090 in the New General Catalogue (NGC).
亮紅外星系 NGC 6090 中分子氣體之研究 - Semantic Scholar
在本篇論文中,我們利用多波段觀測來研究分析亮紅外星系NGC 6090。 NGC 6090星系的紅外亮度 (LIR=3×10^11 L⊙) 大約是Milky Way的三十倍。一般相信這麼強的紅外亮度的機制是由於兩星系交互作用,觸發星遽增現象,新生恆星加熱周圍的灰塵,因而發出許多紅外線的輻射。
NGC 6090 - Galaxy - SKY-MAP
We present a compilation of multiwavelength data on different starformation indicators for a sample of nearby star forming galaxies. Herewe discuss the observations, reductions and measurements of ultravioletimages obtained with STIS on board the Hubble Space Telescope (HST),ground-based Hα, and VLA 8.46 GHz radio images.