NGC 6098 - Elliptical Galaxy in Hercules | TheSkyLive.com
NGC 6098 is a Elliptical Galaxy in the Hercules constellation. NGC 6098 is situated close to the celestial equator and, as such, it is at least partly visible from both hemispheres in certain times of the year.
NGC 6098 - Astronomy News
NGC 6098 (also MCG 3-41-145, UGC 10299 and PGC 57634) is a magnitude +13.4 elliptical galaxy located 425 million light-years away in the constellation Hercules. The galaxy was discovered by American astronomer Truman Henry Safford using a 46.99 cm (18.5 inch) refractor at the Dearborn Observatory on the 24th April 1867.
NGC 6098 Galaxy Facts (UGC 10299) - Universe Guide
NGC 6098 is a Galaxy located in the constellation of Hercules in the northern hemisphere. NGC 6098 is called NGC 6098 in the New General Catalogue (NGC). This catalogue is a list of …
New General Catalog Objects: NGC 6050 - 6099 - cseligman.com
2023年9月11日 · Historical Identification: Per Dreyer, NGC 6098 (Swift list VI (#88), (Safford #76), 1860 RA 16 09 14, NPD 70 11.2) is "extremely faint, very small, round, 8th magnitude star 41 seconds of time to the east, northwestern of 2", the other being NGC 6099. There is an 8th-magnitude star near the specified position, and the relative position of the ...
NGC 6098 | galaxy in Hercules | NGC List | GO ASTRONOMY
NGC 6098 . NGC 6098 is a elliptical galaxy located in the constellation Hercules. Some key stats include:
NGC 6098 — Wikipedia
NGC 6098 — Томанлыклар һәм йолдыз тупланмалары яңа гомуми каталогында теркәлгән галактика. Әлеге галактика 1887 елда Америка астрономы Lewis Swift тарафыннан, яктылык җыючы элемент буларак көзге кулланучы, 40.64 см (16 дюйм) зурлыктагы оптик телескоп ярдәмендә ачылган. [6] Мәгълүмат (ингл.) Төзәтелгән Яңа гомуми каталогтан алынган. SIMBAD (ингл.)
NGC 6098 - elliptical galaxy. Description NGC 6098: - kosmoved.ru
NGC 6098 - galaxy in the constellation Herculis Type: E3 - elliptical galaxy The angular dimensions: 1.00'x0.7' magnitude: V=13.4 m; B=14.4 m The surface brightness: 13.3 mag/arcmin 2 Coordinates for epoch J2000: Ra= 16 h 15 m 34 s; Dec= 19°27'42" redshift (z): 0.030851 The distance from the Sun to NGC 6098: based on the amount of redshift (z ...
NGC 6098 - 银河 - SKY-MAP
The Hamburg/RASS Catalogue of optical identifications. Northern high-galactic latitude ROSAT Bright Source Catalogue X-ray sources We present the Hamburg/RASS Catalogue (HRC) of optical identificationsof X-ray sources at high-galactic latitude.
Revised NGC Data for NGC 6098 - spider.seds.org
Revised NGC Data for NGC 6098 Data from Wolfgang Steinicke's Revised NGC and IC Catalog. Object: NGC 6098 (*) Galaxy, type E, in Hercules Right Ascension (2000.0): 16:15:34.0 (h:m:s) Declination (2000.0): +19:27:42 (deg:m:s) m_b: 14.3 (mag) , m_v: 13.3 (mag) , SB: 13.0 (mag per square arcmin) Dimension: 1.00 x 0.7 (arcmin) , PA: 141
NGC6098 (Galaxy) - In-The-Sky.org
Guides to the night sky. Location: Virginia Beach (36.85°N; 75.98°W) NGC6098 (Galaxy)