NGC 613 - Wikipedia
NGC 613 is a barred spiral galaxy located 67 million light years away in the southern constellation of Sculptor. [5][9] This galaxy was discovered in 1798 by German-English astronomer William …
Hubble Snaps Stunning Barred Spiral Galaxy - NASA Science
2021年1月15日 · First discovered in 1798 by German-English astronomer William Herschel, NGC 613 is a galaxy which lies in the southern constellation of Sculptor 67 million light-years away. …
NGC 613 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - zh.wikipedia.org
NGC 613 是 玉夫座 的一個 棒旋星系 [1]。 ^ NGC 613. (頁面存檔備份,存於 網際網路檔案館) ESO Images.
NGC 613 - 百度百科
NGC 613是一个棒状 螺旋星系,位于6千7百万光年以外的南方 玉夫座。 它是受引力限制的 玉夫座星系群 的候选外围成员。 这个星系于1798年由德国-英国天文学家威廉·赫歇尔 …
NGC 613 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
ngc 613 ngc天體; 發現者: 弗里德里希·威廉·赫歇爾: 發現日期: 1798年12月9日: 其他編號: eso 413-11,mcg -5-4-44,vv 824: 座標; 曆元: j2000.0
NGC 613 - NASA Science
2023年10月4日 · NGC 613 is classified as a barred spiral galaxy for the bar-shaped band of stars and dust crossing its intensely glowing center. Its core looks bright and uniformly white in this …
Galaxy NGC 613 - Deep⋆Sky Corner
The galaxy NGC 613 lies in the constellation Sculptor deep in the south at a declination of about -29° nearby the 5.6 mag star τ Scl. This forms a horizontal chain with three other stars of …
Hubble Sees a Spiral Galaxy’s Brights and Darks - NASA Science
2015年10月2日 · About two-thirds of spiral galaxies show a characteristic bar shape like NGC 613 — our own galaxy appears to have one of these bars through its midline as well. NGC 613 lies …
APOD: 2004 February 13 - NGC 613: Spiral of Dust and Stars
One result was this stunning view of beautiful barred spiral galaxy NGC 613, a mere 65 million light-years away in the southern constellation Sculptor. Over 100 thousand light-years across, …
NGC 613, a barred spiral galaxy, LRGB (AnaTa) - AstroBin
NGC 613 is a dim (10 Mag) and small (5' x 2.5') barred spiral galaxy located 67 million ly away in the constellation of Sculptor. The NGC 613 linear feature in the nucleus has a relatively strong …