NGC 6166 - Wikipedia
NGC 6166 is an elliptical galaxy in the Abell 2199 cluster. It lies 490 million light years away in the constellation Hercules. The primary galaxy in the cluster, it is one of the most luminous galaxies known in terms of X-ray emissions. [2] NGC 6166 is a supermassive, type cD galaxy, with several smaller galaxies within its envelope. [3]
NGC 6166 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
NGC 6166 是 阿貝爾2199 星系團中的一個 橢圓星系,位於 武仙座,距離地球4億9千萬年。 在這個星系團中主要的星系是在 X射線 排放上,已知最明亮的星系之一 [2]。 NGC 6166是質量特別大的 cD星系,並且是這一類型星系的好例子,在它的內部還有幾個小星系 [3]。 它被懷疑是經過大量的星系碰撞造成的,並且擁有為數眾多的 球狀星團 (數量在6,200至22,000之間) [4] 環繞星系核心. [5]。 這個星系中心藏有超大質量 黑洞,估計有著十億 [6]。 NGC 6166也是眾所周知的 活 …
NGC6166 - 百度百科
ngc 6166是阿贝尔2199星系团中的一个椭圆星系,位于武仙座,距离地球4亿9千万年。 在这个星系团中主要的星系是在X射线排放上,已知最明亮的星系之一。
Mantrap Skies Astronomical Image Catalog: NGC6166
NGC 6166 anchors the galaxy cluster Abell 2199 in western Hercules at about 410 million light-years. So why did it make my Arp-like list? If you dig into its core you find there are four objects in there.
NGC 6166 Galaxy (Quasar)Facts - Universe Guide
NGC 6166 is a Quasar located in the constellation of Hercules in the northern hemisphere. NGC 6166 is called NGC 6166 in the New General Catalogue (NGC). This catalogue is a list of deep space objects compiled by John Louis Emil Dreyer in 1888 to …
Structure and formation of cD galaxies: NGC 6166 in Abell 2199
2015年7月1日 · Hobby–Eberly Telescope (HET) spectroscopy is used to measure the velocity dispersion profile of the nearest prototypical cD galaxy, NGC 6166 in the cluster Abell 2199. We also present composite surface photometry from many telescopes.
NGC 6166 - Wikiwand
NGC 6166 is a supermassive, type cD galaxy, with several smaller galaxies within its envelope. Suspected to have formed through a number of galaxy collisions, NGC 6166 has a large number of globular clusters (estimated as between 6,200 and 22,000 in 1996) orbiting the galaxy.
2015年6月30日 · Hobby–Eberly Telescope (HET) spectroscopy is used to measure the velocity dispersion profile of the nearest prototypical cD galaxy, NGC 6166 in the cluster Abell 2199. We also present composite surface photometry from many telescopes.
NGC 6166 - Elliptical Galaxy in Hercules | TheSkyLive.com
NGC 6166 is a Elliptical Galaxy in the Hercules constellation. NGC 6166 is situated north of the celestial equator and, as such, it is more easily visible from the northern hemisphere. Given its visual magnitude of 11.78, NGC 6166 is visible with the help of a telescope having an aperture of 8 inches (200mm) or more.
NGC 6166 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 - zh.wikipedia.org
NGC 6166 是 阿貝爾2199 星系團中的一個 橢圓星系,位於 武仙座,距離地球4億9千萬年。 在這個星系團中主要的星系是在 X射線 排放上,已知最明亮的星系之一 [2]。 NGC 6166是質量特別大的 cD星系,並且是這一類型星系的好例子,在它的內部還有幾個小星系 [3]。 它被懷疑是經過大量的星系碰撞造成的,並且擁有為數眾多的 球狀星團 (數量在6,200至22,000之間) [4] 環繞星系核心. [5]。 這個星系中心藏有超大質量 黑洞,估計有著十億 [6]。 NGC 6166也是眾所周知的 活 …