NGC 625 - Wikipedia
NGC 625 is a dwarf barred spiral galaxy about 12.7 Mly away in the constellation Phoenix. It was discovered on 2 September 1826 by Scottish astronomer James Dunlop. [3] NGC 625 is a member of the Sculptor Group. [4]
NGC 625 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
NGC 625 是 鳳凰座 的一個 星系。 维基共享资源 上的相關多媒體資源: NGC 625.
NGC 625Facts & Distance - Universe Guide
NGC 625 is an Active Galactic Nuclei/Nucleus located in the constellation of Phoenix in the southern hemisphere. NGC 625's distance from Earth is 12,338,495.77 light years. NGC 625 is called NGC 625 in the New General Catalogue (NGC).
NGC 625 - Barred Spiral Galaxy in Phoenix | TheSkyLive.com
NGC 625 is a Barred Spiral Galaxy in the Phoenix constellation. NGC 625 is situated south of the celestial equator and, as such, it is more easily visible from the southern hemisphere. Given its visual magnitude of 11.25, NGC 625 is visible with the help of a telescope having an aperture of 6 inches (150mm) or more.
NGC 625 - 百度百科
NGC 625是一个约12.7Mly外的矮星螺旋星系,位于凤凰座。NGC 625是玉夫座星系群的成员。
NGC 625 | galaxy in Phoenix | New General Catalogue
< NGC List NGC 625. NGC 625 is a barred spiral galaxy located in the constellation of Phoenix. The NGC is a catalog of 7,840 nebulae, star clusters, and galaxies. Here are the key stats on NGC 625:
The Recent Evolution of the Dwarf Starburst Galaxy NGC 625 from …
The most luminous regions, NGC 625 A and B, are both associated with many detected MS stars, while NGC 625 C is associated with fewer recovered MS stars, in line with expectations due to its lower Hα flux.
The Recent Evolution of the Dwarf Starburst Galaxy NGC 625 from …
2003年9月19日 · NGC 625 has a well-defined radial stellar population gradient, evidenced by a central concentration of young MS stars and an RGB/AGB ratio that increases with galactocentric distance. The prominent AGB is very red, and RGB stars are detected far from the central star forming regions.
Probing The Multiphase Interstellar Medium Of The Dwarf …
2004年9月14日 · We present new FUSE spectroscopy of the dwarf starburst galaxy NGC 625. These observations probe multiple phases of the interstellar medium, including the coronal, ionized, neutral and molecular gas. This nearby (D = 3.9 +/- 0.2 Mpc) system shows a clear detection of outflowing coronal gas as traced by OVI 1032 Angstrom absorption.
NGC 625 - Wikiwand articles
2024年9月2日 · NGC 625 is a dwarf barred spiral galaxy about 12.7 Mly away in the constellation Phoenix. It was discovered on 2 September 1826 by Scottish astronomer James Dun...