Messier 9 - Wikipedia
Messier 9 or M9 (also designated NGC 6333) is a globular cluster in the constellation of Ophiuchus. It is positioned in the southern part of the constellation to the southwest of Eta Ophiuchi, and lies atop a dark cloud of dust designated Barnard 64. [5][8] The cluster was discovered by French astronomer Charles Messier on June 3, 1764, who ...
M9(也称NGC 6333)是位于蛇夫座区域一个球状星团,梅西耶星表中编号为9。 M9是距银河系中心较近的球状星团之一,计算得到它到银心的距离为5500光年,后者强烈的引力使它略略变形。
M9 (球狀星團) - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
M 9 (NGC 6333)一个结构松散的球状 星团,很小,最亮的星也在+14等左右,需要使用10英寸(25厘米)的望远镜才能看见一部分,星等为+7.9。
Messier 9 (NGC 6333) | Ophiucus | Go Astronomy
Messier 9 (NGC 6333) is a globular cluster located in the constellation Ophiucus, in the Galactic Center of the Milky Way Galaxy in the Local Group of galaxies. M9 is 25800 light years away from Earth. M9 is best viewed during mid-summer, is magnitude 8, and can be viewed with binoculars. M9 is 9' in apparent size. For reference, the full moon ...
Messier 9 - Messier Objects
2015年2月20日 · Messier 9 (M9) is a globular cluster located in the southern constellation Ophiuchus. It has the designation NGC 6333 in the new General Catalogue. The cluster lies at a distance of 25,800 light years from Earth. With an apparent magnitude of 8.42, it is too faint to be seen with the naked eye.
Messier 9 (M9) – The NGC 6333 Globular Cluster - Universe Today
2016年3月29日 · One of these objects is Messier 9 (aka. M9 or NGC 6333), a globular cluster that is positioned in the southern part of the constellation of Ophiuchus. It is one of the nearer globular clusters to...
M9 (天体) - Wikipedia
M9 (NGC 6333) は、 へびつかい座 にある 球状星団 。 距離約26000 光年。 1764年 シャルル・メシエ が発見し「星を含まない星雲。 円形で暗い」と記述している。 星団として分離できなかった。
Messier 9. NGC 6333 – Astrodrudis
2021年4月20日 · Messier 9 is a faint globular cluster located in the constellation Ophiuchus. At a distance of about 5,500 light years from the center of the Milky Way and 25,800 light years from us, Messier 9 has a visual magnitude of +8.4 and more than 250,000 stars in it. The total luminosity is 120,000 that of our Sun.
MAS Observatory Astrophotography - Messier 9 - M9 - NGC 6333 …
M9 - NGC 6333 - Globular Cluster <<< PREVIOUS MESSIER PAGE NEXT MESSIER PAGE >>> Location Data Constellation: Ophiuchus Right ascension: 17h 19.2m Declination: -18° 31′ Distance: ly Size: ly Observation Data Apparent magnitude: 9 Apparent size: 9.3' arcmins The images With Blue Borders were taken using equipment provided by the MAS Observatory Click on the Image to View It Full Size
Messier 9 - M9 - astropixels.com
2020年6月1日 · Messier 9 or M9 (also designated NGC 6333) is a in the constellation . It has an apparent visual magnitude of 7.7 and its angular diameter is 9.3 arc-minutes. M9 lies at an estimated distance of 26,700 light years. The Equinox 2000 coordinates are RA= 17h 19.2m, Dec= -18° 31´ which makes M9 best seen during the summer.