NGC 6334 - Wikipedia
NGC 6334 is a massive emission nebula and star-forming region located in the constellation Scorpius. It is colloquially known as the Cat's Paw Nebula, and can be found 3° to the west-northwest of the bright star Lambda Scorpii.
NGC 6334 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
ngc 6334,也稱為貓掌星雲、熊掌星雲和古姆64,是位於天蝎座的一個發射星雲和恆星形成區 [2] 。 它是在1837年被天文學家 約翰·赫歇爾 在南非的 好望角 觀測時發現的 [ 3 ] 。
NGC 6334 - 百度百科
猫爪星云,又被称为NGC 6334星云,位于距离天蝎座5500 光年 的正前方。 猫爪星云横跨50光年的宇宙空间,覆盖了比满月稍大的天穹区域。 如此命名是因为该 星云 中发光的气体云像一个巨大的 猫爪 子。 猫爪星云其实是由 星际空间 的气体和尘埃结合成的云雾状天体。 星际物质与天体的演化有着密切的联系。 观测证实,星际气体主要由 氢 和 氦 两种元素构成,这跟恒星的成分是一样的。 其实, 恒星 就是由星际气体“凝结”而成的。 在猫爪星云,星际气体和尘埃相互混合、凝 …
NGC 6334: 猫爪星云 | NASA中文
2022年5月10日 · Alternatively known as the Bear Claw Nebula and cataloged as NGC 6334, stars nearly ten times the mass of our Sun have been born there in only the past few million years. Pictured here is a deep field image of the Cat’s Paw Nebula in …
Cat's Paw Nebula - NGC 6334 – Constellation Guide
2015年1月23日 · NGC 6334 is one of the most active nurseries of massive stars in our galaxy and has been extensively studied by astronomers. The nebula conceals freshly minted brilliant blue stars — each nearly ten times the mass of our Sun and born in the last few million years.
Cat's Paw Nebula (NGC 6334) - Deep⋆Sky Corner
The nebula NGC 6334 is located above scorpios sting in the constellation Scorpius. The best time to observe it is during the months of February to July, when this part of the constellation is highest above the southern horizon at night.
NGC 6334. The Cat’s Paw Nebula – Astrodrudis
NGC 6334 is also known as the Cat’s Paw Nebula or the Bear Claw Nebula and is located in the constellation Scorpius. This very red emission nebula (the Hydrogen emission is many times stronger than any of the other usual lines captured with narrowband filters, OIII or SII) spans about 40×30 arc minutes and was discovered by John Herschel in ...
NGC 6334, The Cat’s Paw Nebula - NOIRLab
2020年6月30日 · This image of emission nebula NGC6334 (the Cat’s Paw Nebula), a star-forming region in the constellation Scorpius, was taken in 2007 using the Mosaic-2 imager on the Blanco 4-meter telescope at Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory. The colors of the nebula are reddened by intervening dust in the plane of the Milky Way galaxy.
APOD: 2017 September 13 - NGC 6334: The Cats Paw Nebula
At 5,500 light years distant, Cat's Paw is an emission nebula with a red color that originates from an abundance of ionized hydrogen atoms. Alternatively known as the Bear Claw Nebula or NGC 6334, stars nearly ten times the mass of our Sun have been born there in …
NGC6334 - Cats Paw Nebula (Chris Jensen) - AstroBin
NGC 6334, colloquially known as the Cat's Paw Nebula, Bear Claw Nebula, or Gum 64, is an emission nebula and star-forming region located in the constellation Scorpius. NGC 6334 was discovered by astronomer John Herschel in 1837, who …