NGC 6397 - Wikipedia
NGC 6397 (also known as Caldwell 86) is a globular cluster in the constellation Ara that was discovered by French astronomer Nicolas-Louis de Lacaille in 1752. [9] It is located about …
NGC 6397 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
ngc 6397(也稱為科德韋爾86)是在天壇座的球狀星團。 它距離 地球 大約7,800 光年 [ 3 ] ,使它成為離地球最近的兩個球狀星團之一(另一個是 M4 )。 這個星團大約有400,000顆恆星 [ 8 ] , …
NGC 6397 - Science@NASA
2018年4月4日 · This ancient stellar jewelry box, a globular cluster called NGC 6397, glitters with the light from hundreds of thousands of stars. Astronomers used the Hubble Space Telescope …
NGC 6397 - 百度百科
ngc 6397 是一个位于天坛座的球状星团。 它距离地球大约有7,200光年的距离,这使得它成为距离地球最近的两个球状星团之一(另一个是M4)。 这个星团包含大约400,000颗恒星。
Hubble's view of dazzling globular cluster NGC 6397
This ancient stellar jewelry box, a globular cluster called NGC 6397, glitters with the light from hundreds of thousands of stars. Astronomers used the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope …
Euclid’s view of globular cluster NGC 6397 - ESA
2023年11月7日 · Located about 7800 light-years from Earth, NGC 6397 is the second-closest globular cluster to us. Together with other globular clusters it orbits in the disc of the Milky …
Hubble Uncovers Concentration of Small Black Holes
2021年2月11日 · Astronomers on the hunt for an intermediate-mass black hole at the heart of the globular cluster NGC 6397 found something they weren’t expecting: a concentration of smaller …
【讯息·航天】 大年初三,过年好!哈勃望远镜在离地球最近的黑 …
2021年2月12日 · NGC 6397是银河系当中至少20个经历过中心坍塌的球状星团之一, 这意味着它的中心拥有非常密集的恒星。 由于其核心非常密集,因此将其归类为压缩核心群集。 最初, …
Euclid’s view of globular cluster NGC 6397
2023年11月7日 · This sparkly image shows Euclid’s view on a globular cluster called NGC 6397. Globular clusters are collections of hundreds of thousands of stars held together by gravity. …
NGC 6397 - Science@NASA
2021年2月11日 · This ancient stellar jewelry box, a globular cluster called NGC 6397, glitters with the light from hundreds of thousands of stars. Astronomers used the Hubble Space Telescope …