Butterfly Cluster - Wikipedia
The Butterfly Cluster (cataloged as Messier 6 or M6, and as NGC 6405) is an open cluster of stars in the southern constellation of Scorpius. Its name derives from the resemblance of its shape to a butterfly .
蝴蝶星团 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
蝴蝶星团 (也称为 梅西耶 6 、 M6 、或 NGC 6405 )是位于南天 星座 天蝎座 的一个 疏散星团 。 它的名字源于它的形状与一只 蝴蝶 有几分相似 [5] 。 在 川普勒分类法 的类型是 II 3 r [6] :r表示它有丰富的恒星,II意味著向中心集中的倾向,3则说明有少数恒星非常明亮,但多数恒星是黯淡的。 它在 托勒密星团 (M7)西北方3.5°,而这两个星团都在天蝎座的尾钩的北方 [7] 。 在1654年, 乔瓦尼·巴蒂斯塔·霍迪耶纳 成为第一位记录蝴蝶星团的天文学家。 然而, 小罗伯特·伯纳姆 提出,1 …
Messier 6: Butterfly Cluster - Messier Objects
2015年2月11日 · Messier 6, also known as the Butterfly Cluster or NGC 6405, is a bright open cluster located in Scorpius constellation.
蝴蝶星團 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
蝴蝶星團 (也稱為 梅西耶 6 、 M6 、或 NGC 6405)是位於南天 星座 天蝎座 的一個 疏散星團。 它的名字源於它的形狀與一隻 蝴蝶 有幾分相似 [5]。 在 川普勒分類法 的類型是 II 3 r[6]:r表示它有豐富的恒星,II意味著向中心集中的傾向,3則說明有少數恆星非常明亮,但多數恆星是黯淡的。 它在 托勒密星團 (M7)西北方3.5°,而這兩個星團都在天蠍座的尾鈎的北方 [7]。 在1654年, 喬瓦尼·巴蒂斯塔·霍迪耶納 成為第一位記錄蝴蝶星團的天文學家。 然而, 小羅伯特·伯納姆 提出,1 …
Butterfly Cluster Star Cluster (NGC 6405) - Universe Guide
Butterfly Cluster is an Open Star Cluster located in the constellation of Scorpius in the southern hemisphere. Butterfly Cluster's distance from Earth is 1,600.00 light years. Butterfly Cluster is also known as M6 or Messier 6 when Charles Messier catalogued it in 18th - 19th Century France.
蝴蝶星团 - 百度百科
疏散星 团m6,又称为ngc 6405,外型很像一只蝴蝶,大小约20光年,距离我们约2000光年。m6位于天蝎座,用双筒望远镜就可以看到,大小和满月时的 月亮差不多。与其他的疏散星团类似, m6主要由蓝色的 年轻恒星 组成,但其中最亮的 一颗看起来却是橘红色的 。
Messier 6 (NGC 6405) Butterfly Cluster - GO ASTRONOMY
Messier 6 (NGC 6405), also known as the Butterfly Cluster, is an open cluster located in the constellation Scorpius, in the Orion Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy in the Local Group of galaxies. M6 is 1600 light years away from Earth. M6 is best viewed during mid-summer, is magnitude 4.2, and can be viewed with naked eye. M6 is 25' in apparent size.
Messier 6 - M6 - Butterfly Cluster - AstroPixels
Messier 6 or M6 (also designated NGC 6405) is an open cluster in the constellation Scorpius. It has an apparent visual magnitude of 4.2 and its angular diameter is 25 arc-minutes. M6 lies at an estimated distance of 1600 light years. The Equinox 2000 coordinates are RA= 17h 40.1m, Dec= -32° 13´ which makes M6 best seen during the summer.
NGC 6405, M6 in Scorpius - cnycelestialpics.us
NGC 6405, M6 the Butterfly Cluster, is an open cluster of stars in Scorpius. Date: 29 May 2022 and 24 June 2022; FOV: approximately 110' × 73'; the angular size of M6 is about 25' Telescope: Stellarvue SVX102T + SFFX-1 (714mm, f/7) Guiding: ZWO ASI120MM mini mono guide camera, Stellarvue F050G 50mm guide scope; Computer: ASIair pro Raspberry Pi
NGC 6405 Butterfly Cluster | open cluster in Scorpius | New …
< NGC List NGC 6405 Butterfly Cluster. NGC 6405 is a open cluster located in the constellation of Scorpius. The NGC is a catalog of 7,840 nebulae, star clusters, and galaxies. Here are the key stats on NGC 6405:
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