NGC 6412 - Wikipedia
NGC 6412 is a spiral galaxy located in the constellation Draco. It is designated as SBc in the galaxy morphological classification scheme and was discovered by the British astronomer William Herschel on 12 December 1797.
New General Catalog Objects: NGC 6400 - 6449 - cseligman.com
2022年11月6日 · Based on a recessional velocity of 1315 km/sec, NGC 6412 is about 60 million light years away, in fair agreement with a redshift-independent distance estimate of 75 million light years.
NGC 6412 - Intermediate Spiral Galaxy in Draco - TheSkyLive
NGC 6412 is a Intermediate Spiral Galaxy in the Draco constellation. NGC 6412 is situated close to the northern celestial pole and, as such, it is visible for most part of the year from the northern hemisphere.
NGC 6412 Galaxy Facts (UGC 10897) & Distance - Universe Guide
NGC 6412 (NGC6412) is a galaxy in a group of galaxies that is 49836694.51 light years away from Earth in the constellation of Draco.
NGC6412 (Galaxy) - In-The-Sky.org
From Virginia Beach , NGC6412 is visible all night because it is circumpolar. It will be highest in the sky shortly before dawn, when it will be lost to twilight at around 06:06, 44° above your …
NGC 6412 - Wikiwand
NGC 6412 is a spiral galaxy located in the constellation Draco. It is designated as SBc in the galaxy morphological classification scheme and was discovered by the British astronomer William Herschel on 12 December 1797.
NGC 6412 | galaxy in Draco | NGC Catalogue | GO ASTRONOMY
NGC 6412 NGC 6412 is a mixed spiral galaxy located in the constellation Draco. Some key stats include: ... Right Ascension units = HH:MM:SS.SS Declination units = DD:MM:SS.SS PN = …
NGC 6412 - Galaxy - SKY-MAP
Massive star formation in the central regions of spiral galaxiesContext: . The morphology of massive star formation in the centralregions of galaxies is an important tracer of the dynamical processesthat govern the evolution of disk, bulge, and nuclear activity. Aims. Wepresent optical imaging of the central regions of a sample of 73 spiralgalaxies in the Hα line and in …
NGC 6412 — Vikipediya
NGC 6412, Yeni Ümumi Kataloqda qeydə alınmış qalaktika. Göy üzündə Əjdaha bürcü istiqamətində yerləşir. SBc tipli qalaktikadır. İngilis astronomu Vilyam Herşel tərəfindən 1797-ci ildə 47.5 sm (18.7 düymə) ölçülü reflektor vasitəsilə kəşf edilmişdir. [6]
Category : NGC 6412 - Wikimedia
Q1145629 SIMBAD ID: NGC 6412. The following 2 files are in this category, out of 2 total.